Week Ahead Transits 3rd - 9th April

Weekly Astro Forecast for April 3 - 9
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here
Sun = Aries 13° 16’ - 20° 9’
Moon = Virgo > Sagittarius
The Full Moon mid-week at 16° Libra is met with a Solar conjunction with Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. This is the first full moon after the equinox, a celebratory time of renewal and rebirth. Full Moons offer us the space to curate our inner realm in an alignment with the external. The Temperance card comes to mind, the rebalancing of our individual selves with that of our relationships and outer world. All imbalances including the chemical and hormonal ones are obvious around the time of year when the sun and moon are in communion.
The Sun transits through the second decan of Aries (3 of wands), enlightening us to the plethora of possibilities at our disposal. The opportunities that come through our closest relationships are expanded upon, harmonized, and integrated within. We find comradery on the path which we set upon two weeks ago. Common goals and dreams are recognized, and we build the alliances we need to follow through on our journey.
The Moon moves through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, pushing the internal realm outward. Notice the reactions, reflections, and ways in which we are responded to today because the Moon is reflecting ourselves back to us through the eyes of the other. We can gain insight into our true nature through all of our interactions with others this week, big or small.
Monday 3rd
There’s creative excitement in the air with a generally pleasant energy today. Like the 8 of pentacles, getting lost in the details and focusing on progress is a wonderful distraction. We’re flowing with inventiveness and innovation and have the capacity to bring thought into physical form. Mercury ingresses into Taurus and remains there until June 10th, the mental faculties slow down tremendously during this time. It’s easier to digest information when it is linear, and there has been enough space to explore the practical applications of the data we’re receiving. The words might not come out very easily but more like a forced croak. Try not to force it but if you must, find creative ways to express what can’t easily be said.
MOON trine Uranus, trine Venus. MERCURY > Taurus at 9:22 am, square Pluto.
Tuesday 4th
Projection, projection on the wall, how do I let all of my projections fall? Are you really picking up on everyone else’s anxiety or is it yours? Today with the Moon opposite Neptune and then moving into the void, it may be difficult to know how we’re feeling and whether it is an analysis of the environment around us or actually something that is developing internally. The moon ingresses into Libra, a supportive relationship connection offers the promise of security. Confiding in friends, networking, sharing space with the ones you hold a deep connection opens pathways to the heart.
MOON opposite Neptune, Voc 6:49 am – 2:51 pm, Moon > Libra at 2:51 pm, trine Pluto.
Wednesday 5th
A busy Full Moon today with the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries, the polarity opens for us to recognize where we begin and the other ends. Independence is sexy but what’s sexier is knowing one’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses. With the Full Moon connection to Chiron, the wounded healer, there is a strong pull towards mending the heart of the warrior and seeking to share one’s strength with others in need. Heal that one lonely place in your heart where you closed off the gates for the sake of self-preservation.
MOON square Mars, opposite Chiron, FULL MOON 16° 7’ Libra at 9:34 pm. MERCURY sextile Saturn, conjunct NN*. SUN conjuct Chiron.
Thursday 6th
The Moon has us awakening to some great realizations today after the Full Moon. The process of integration begins. After the Moon ingresses into Scorpio, she meets a square with Pluto at 0° Aquarius. Every fixed sign is getting a talking to from Pluto and for the next two months, whenever the Moon ingresses into a fixed sign, she meets with the depths of the sacred and wise planet. Deep emotional releases beg to be acknowledged today. These are the days we may feel called to go within, journal, do self-reflection and conduct a mini purge.
MOON opposite Jupiter, Voc 5:43 am – 11:28 pm, Moon > Scorpio at 11:29 pm, square Pluto.
Friday 7th
The past is ever present. Nostalgia hits and it is a sweet escape to relish in the good times of the past. There are some unspoken words that request your attention, a quick pondering even. Wisdom shines through these examinations and proper adjustments to expectations are made. Moments of getting lost in visions, dreaming of beautiful seascapes and fantasy fortresses, this is a day to let the senses take you into a new world. Poetic and full of prose, we can access a hidden fortress through the imagination.
MOON trine Saturn, opposite NN, conjunct SN, opposite Mercury, trine Mars. VENUS sextile Neptune. MERCURY sextile Mars.
Saturday 8th
Sitting in a trans, the great space of the mental realm takes us off into mystical arenas. Moments of confusion can cause happy accidents but keep your eyes on the road! Magnetized to the screen, a deep emotional expression, or an impactful song drug us with a promise of enlightenment. Though the energy is high, the hermit mode can kick in. Surrounded by people it’s still possible to get lost in the crowd. Sitting in community for the purpose of tuning out, this could be a time to do a group meditation, yoga, or self-development class.
MOON opposite Uranus, trine Neptune.
Sunday 9th
The haze lifts and the Moon ingresses into Sagittarius, shifting the energy towards curiosity and inspired action. It’s time to put all of those newly found awareness’s and internal reflections to the test. Adopt what works and leave behind the rest. We can explore the larger purpose and concepts now, gaining a renewed sense of purpose. The lessons and themes of the Full Moon become more focused and the Moon’s tense position with Saturn challenges us to investigate new systems.
MOON opposite Venus, Voc 2:10 am – 5:55 am, Moon -> Sagittarius 5:56 am, sextile Pluto, square Saturn.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node
Written by: Evelyn Zuel