Week Ahead Transits: 27th November - 3rd December

Week ahead transits 27 November - 3 December
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 4° 47’ Sagittarius - 11° 53' Sagittarius
Moon = Gemini - Virgo
The top of the week starts with a Full Moon in Gemini 4°51’ on Monday at 1:16 AM PST. During the Full Moon, there is also a Mercury square Neptune. Mercury, the planetary ruler of this Full Moon is playing a strong role in how this Full Moon will come out to play. The Moon in Gemini is curious, quick-witted, living a Peter Pan life style and would prefer to keep things casual, light, and fun. Mercury which is the ruler of Gemini, is in its detriment, Sagittarius during the Full Moon and also making a square to Neptune. All of the chaotic mutable energy causes a confusing carousel of information and details that can be overwhelming and hard to organize at first. The Full Moon is a wonderful time to reveal, let go, share, and launch whatever it is that we have been working on for ourselves. Since this Full Moon falls under the influence of the sign that brings us communication, we can guarantee that there will be a lot of chit-chat, chatter, news, and social energy abound.
The Sun travels through the first decan of Sagittarius this week which connects us to the energy of the 8 of wands. The 8 of wands depicts 8 wands moving across the card in swift, direct, and targeted precision. This means that the energies are fast – we have to be on our toes and not dilly dally with making decisions, but rather use our instincts to move forward. The 8 of wands reminds me of the moment when a hunter or athlete must make the calculated move within a split second or else the opportunity is lost. Keep it short, sweet, and swift and you are likely to make the target.
Mercury enters Capricorn on Friday. This shifts our perceptions and the way we think/communicate which is direct, to the point, stoic, and sometimes cold or reserved. We are much more skeptical now than we were before and we will want to move forward only when we know that there is some sense of security or payback that can be counted on. We also may be inclined to take our studies more seriously, directing our focus tothe historical or traditions. The day after Mercury enters Capricorn, the Sun and Moon form a grand trine along with Chiron ushering in a warm and free-spirited energy that is available to us to take hold of – especially if we need a good adventure.
Monday 27th
This is a revelatory time, what we say and how we say it is explicitly directing the way the future unfolds. The Full Moon in Gemini is an opportune time to communicate what it is that needs to be said. However, Mercury the planetary ruler of the Full Moon is in a detriment and is making a difficult aspect with Neptune. It may be that when it comes to finding a direction to move towards, we find it foggy and confusing to think of the specific details and must rely more on what we know to be true from history. If plans don’t work out as you had expected, don’t fret as the Mercury square with Neptune may be putting the rose-tinted glasses on some which can affect people’s ability to gauge times, distances, and data received.
Full Moon at 1:16 am in Gemini, Moon sextile Chiron. Mercury square Neptune rx.
Tuesday 28th
Today we need serious validation as well as recognition from our loved ones and partners. We may find ourselves seeking recognition in minor ways or through grand stances. There is a lot of energy opening up for us to improve the clarity with which we communicate. The air element allows us to share information and personal experiences without so much attachment, and this helps us to view situations from multiple different angles.
Moon trine Venus, sextile NN, opposite Mercury, voc from 5:04 pm – 10:52 pm, Moon > Cancer at 10:53 pm.
Wednesday 29th
This is a very productive day to overcome issues within personal relationships, whether they be close friendships or romantic in nature. There may even be some long-standing issues that come up between you and someone you’re close with. The positive to this is the Moon is supported by Saturn and Jupiter, allowing for a serious conversation to turn into a productive and even fun one.
Moon trine Saturn, sextile Jupiter rx. Venus opposite NN, conjunct SN.
Thursday 30th
Some family situations may cause a handful of us to have to divert or adjust plans for the day, which can be frustrating at first but end up being an opportunity for growth. It’s important to remain flexible as unexpected emotions from either yourself or another person can force an adjustment to previous expectations.
Moon square Chiron, sextile Uranus rx, square NN, trine Neptune rx.
Friday 1st
The Moon ingresses into Leo while Mercury moves into Capricorn today. We may notice a shift in attitudes around us as people tend to take themselves quite seriously with the Moon in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn. Today we may need to practice self-soothing techniques wherein we acknowledge the child within that has felt ignored or powerless. Today you can actively work to empower the inner child however is needed.
Moon square Venus, opposite Pluto, Moon > Leo at 8 am, trine Sagittarius, square Jupiter rx. Mercury > Capricorn.
Saturday 2nd
This is one of those days where it seems like everything just falls into place and the timing is right, and you don’t get stuck at any long red lights. The moon makes a grand trine with the Sun and Chiron in the fire element bringing in that abundance, joy and optimism that draws positive experiences like the law of attraction. Even if you find yourself in a sour mood, it is not hard to turn it around. It’s actually harder to stay in anything but a cheerful state of mind.
Moon trine Sun, trine Chiron. Mercury sextile Saturn.
Sunday 3rd
Some deep understandings of our relationship, relationship style, and how we show up in relationships come up from the well of Pluto. There may be a point for some who make a point to no longer accept certain behaviors or ways of being when it comes to friendships, romantic relationships, and really any form of relating. We may feel inclined to announce or make a prominent stand on how we feel we are being treated, or how someone else is being treated in relationships. There is a big moment to learn healthy coping mechanisms.
Moon square Uranus, trine NN, sextile Venus, Moon > Virgo at 7:50 pm, opposite Saturn. Venus square Pluto.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel