Week Ahead Transits 20th - 26th March

Weekly Astro Forecast for March 20 - 26
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here
Sun = Pisces 29° 26’ - 6° 21’
Moon = Pisces > Gemini
The ides of change are upon us this week with some very big planetary shifts along with a New Moon. The process of establishing a core within ourselves begins with Aries season. We enter a new season on the earth plane as well and celebrate the Equinox on the 20th / the 21st, depending on which time zone you are located in. On the northern hemisphere we welcome the Spring while on the southern part the Autumnal Equinox is embraced. The following day the New Moon in Aries thrusts itself upon us, this moon is one to watch out for as it will awaken us to themes that the October eclipses will bring.
Midweek, the much awaited entrance of Pluto into Aquarius pivots the transformative rumblings from stable Capricorn into the radical air sign. The collective gets a massive wakeup call with deep analysis into social dynamics, friendship, group communication, telepathy, and the sciences which will project us into a new era of consciousness throughout the next 10 years! Pluto only stays a short while in Aquarius this year so we get a sneak peek behind the scenes of how to expect the collective to evolve in the next decade. We round out the week with Mars entering protective Cancer after having been in Gemini since mid-August.
Monday 20th
Happy Equinox! The Sun enters Aries today, charging up our internal batteries with gusto. Notice where you feel a little extra umph in your step and lean into it, the solar rays through Aries sets fire to dormant plasma. There is a lot of energy to go around today and it is stimulating growth, excitement, and an eagerness to show up with strength in the world. Allow the flames of passion to propel you towards new relationships this is a great time to start new patterns of relating.
Moon sextile Uranus. Venus conjunct NN. Sun sextile Pluto, Sun enters Aries.
Tuesday 21st
Take special note on the themes that come up for you today, the New Moon in Aries will be a precursor to the eclipse cycle that comes in October. The Moon and Mercury merge to nurture proper communication with the internal self. Dialogue with the inner baby, what are they crying for and what are their needs that have yet to be met? Or maybe all of your inner baby’s needs have been met and this is an ample time to appreciate all that you have been afforded in this life, seeing the inherited tools that were instilled in you since birth.
Moon sextile Pluto, Moon enters Aries at 9:01 am, New Moon at 10:23 am, conjunct Mercury.
Wednesday 22nd
There is a great amount of wisdom to be learned today around the pain you have gone through in this life. Take a moment to appreciate what that pain has taught you and see how it has shaped you into the person you are today. This is also a good day to acknowledge how much you have grown since those first painful experiences and see the path towards healing that you have taken which has strengthen your sense of self.
MOON conjunct Chiron, conjunct Jupiter.
Thursday 23rd
Connecting with the material plane, today offers a moment of calm on the personal level. It can feel as though there is a lot of whispers and echoes of the future, possibly fatalistic but learning how to maintain that inner peace will allow you to remain a witness in observation mode. Take stock in your resources and navigate finances with a grounded approach. Pluto enters Aquarius today, the collective is buzzing and Pluto’s somber mood can inject unnecessary fear into the hive mind. Watch with cautious curiosity and choose to withhold judgment. This is an opportune time for deep meditation.
Moon sextile Mars, Moon enters Taurus at 11:41 am, square Pluto, sextile Saturn, conjunct NN. Pluto enters Aquarius.
Friday 24th
Unexpected connections emerge and we may find friendship in the least likely places. With our hearts open to all possibilities, the Moon conjunct Venus makes any mundane task an enjoyable one. Pleasurable random conversations in line at the grocery store, a chance encounter that validates a synchronicity, with Moon and Uranus effecting the ethers there is bound to be an otherworldly discovery.
Moon conjunct Venus, conjunct Uranus.
Saturday 25th
The energy for today feels a bit closed off for connecting, with the Moon in Gemini contacting Pluto and Saturn, there is a lot of nervous energy abound which can be misinterpreted or misrepresented. People may be a bit more sticky or stingy with how things are perceived. Try not to take things too personally if someone doesn’t totally want to connect with you in the way you expect or are used to. Mars enters Cancer today making some of us extra sensi.
Moon sextile Neptune, Moon enters Gemini at 5:41 pm, trine Pluto, square Saturn. Mars enters Cancer.
Sunday 26th
A lovely energy for delightful moments. The moon making a sextile with the Sun and Chiron offers situations that would have once gotten under our skin but instead show us how much we have evolved. We’re able to help others with impactful information and understanding, lending an ear for a friend or a simple gesture of kindness which means the world to another. Communication is empathetic today and we’re able to hold space joyously.
Moon sextile Sun, sextile Chiron. Mercury conjunct Chiron
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node
Written by: Evelyn Zuel