Week Ahead Transits: 20th - 26th November

Week ahead transits 20-26 November
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 27° 43’ Scorpio - 4° 47' Sagittarius
Moon = Aquarius - Gemini
Welcome to Sagittarius season! We glide through a little cosmic wave of brief downs and then ups as the Sun and Moon switch the script on us from a fixed, stubborn square to an expansive and open-fire trine. On Monday the Moon in Aquarius makes a square to Mars and the Sun in fixed Scorpio. There is discord between the rational mind and emotional body which is so filled with intense feelings.This is the first point of tension between the Sun and Moon after the New Moon in Scorpio unearthed and rebirthed a raw hidden gemstone in our hearts. We can be feeling quite delicate to any misunderstandings. But then shortly after, the Sun ingresses into wild-eyed Sagittarius, ready to take action on whatever challenges were presented during Scorpio season. While the Sun travels through Scorpio in tropical astrology, we are made aware of the hidden depths and layers that comprise our shadow parts.
What we are to do with these shadow parts exactly may not be too clear for we are allotted about 30 days to explore the concepts of death, grief, and evolution through the Scorpion archetype. It is in Sagittarius season when we put meaning to the pain and offer up an understanding or a belief around why it is that suffering is needed on the path of self-discovery. Things begin to take on a deeper meaning and we can identify the importance of having faith through life’s struggles.
Mars ingresses into Sagittarius on the 24th and then meets with the lord of Karma immediately after. Though Mars would like to take off and fly among the gods, he is being held accountable by Saturn. Expected to express or share what the plans are beforehand, Mars in Sagittarius has a difficult time being told what to do or when to do it. While Mars is in Sagittarius we desire freedom to roam as we please in all areas of self-exploration. Having the freedom to speak, learn, broadcast, or believe in anything that is for personal expansion is seen as a very positive use of energy with Mars in Sagittarius, even if that means getting yourself in hot water from time to time. If you don’t push yourself, how will you know how far you can go?
Monday 20th
Passions are running high, and our concerns for the collective are made abundantly clear. When the Moon moves into Pisces it meets with Saturn, instilling in us an ancient knowing from deep within the reservoirs of the soul. This knowing stems from our shared humanity which rests on the pillar of empathy. This is a cosmic day for spiritual surgery of sorts with the Sun sextile Pluto and Mercury making a trine to Chiron. The process of how to heal becomes known.
Moon square Mars, square Sun, Moon > Pisces at 6:29 am, conjunct Saturn, sextile Jupiter rx. Sun sextile Pluto. Mercury trine Chiron.
Tuesday 21st
There is something that needs to be said and holding it in will only cause brain rot. The Moon in Pisces links up with Mercury in Sagittarius, the two mutables talking around each other without necessarily making contact or accessing a direct line of information. There may be a lot of ideas running around but taking any sort of direction with them will pose to be a futile dance with the creative mind.
Moon square Mercury, sextile Uranus rx. Mars sextile Pluto.
Wednesday 22nd
Put all of your ideas into practice today! This is the time for launching all of those experimental projects, lessons, skills, etc. The fire element is alive and blazing trails today with the Moon in Aries and Sun entering Sagittarius making a harmonious aspect to one another opening up the floodgates for divine inspiration, and ambition. If you are noticing any blocks with putting yourself ‘out there’ then this is a fantastic day to observe how to value yourself and your creations.
Moon conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto, trine Mars, Moon > Aries at 9:19 am, trine Sun. Sun > Sagittarius at 6:02 am. Venus opposite Chiron rx.
Thursday 23rd
The Sun square Saturn aspect listed for today was most likely felt yesterday as well. The Pisces/Sagittarius combination is a beautiful, artistic, and magical human expression that can also be taken to extremes very easily. The theme for the day in general will be learning how to break free from religious persecution/dogmatic bondage. The old vs the new, the orthodox vs the new age, these dichotomies play out throughout the day and beg us to question how we can evolve our traditions to reflect our true beliefs.
Moon conjunct Chiron rx, opposite Venus, trine Mercury. Sun square Saturn.
Friday 24th
There is an opportunity to utilize saved-up resources to propel you into the next evolution. We feel as if we are becoming alive again and there is more blood pumping through our veins. The fire is turned on full blast and we are determined to test our limits and abilities. We’re also feeling specifically moved by heroism and the story of a lone fighter against all odds, because that archetypal journey is available to us to access.
Moon conjunct NN, square Pluto, Moon > Taurus, sextile Saturn. Mars -> Sagittarius.
Saturday 25th
Some forces are directing and dictating the flow and it is very palpable within our personal lives as well as political and cultural. Mars square Saturn is a restrictive time when we feel like all roads are blocked from access. With the Moon and Jupiter making contact, the way we feel about this block is much more intense than it may really be. It’s hard to say what expression is called for here but there will indefinitely be a dramatic response against anything which makes us uncomfortable. This could be a really great day to sound the alarm to higher authorities about something that is not within the right alignment.
Moon conjunct Jupiter rx. Mars square Saturn.
Sunday 26th
The information that you receive today will be influential in how you approach life in the future. This is a pay-it-forward kind of day for yourself when it comes to good advice, so watch for any projections that come through your own mouth to another. If you stop yourself and think “Wow that was actually really good advice and relevant to me right now” that’s because it is advice that your guides are sending you through the reflection of another. So in other words, practice what you preach!
Moon conjunct Uranus rx, sextile Neptune rx, trine Pluto, Moon > Gemini at 4:39 pm, square Saturn, opposite Mars. Mercury trine NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel