Week Ahead Transits: 16th - 22nd October

Week ahead transits 16-22 October
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 22° 39’ Libra - 22° 36’ Libra
Moon = Scorpio - Aquarius
It is the week after the eclipse and you know what that means by now, the integration period has begun and soon what will come is the direct reflection of what the eclipse had brought up for us to work through. Notice where you are carrying old relationship wounds within your body and how those relationships have shaped the way you relate to yourself now. Those old patterns will emerge for you to change and build new working memories that your subconscious can utilize in the coming years.The Sun makes his way through the last decan of Libra which is associated with the 4 of swords so we come to peace with ourselves and what we are working on in our relationships with others this week.
Mercury conjuncts the south node, the Sun, then squares Pluto right before it ingresses into Scorpio – it’s like getting ejected out of a black hole and into the light. Our minds have gone through a massive rebirth and it is now in new, foreign territory which leaves us vulnerable to the unusual things that we will see. Our vision is deeper, more penetrating and the truth becomes more readily available at a whim.
The Moon travels through the signs Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius, these signs help us to understand how we emotionally connect with our intimate relationships, cultural connections, bosses, mutual peers, and friends. This week, the Sun and Moon move into their first quarter phase which integrates the New Moon in Libra energies into our logical minds and shows us how we are to communicate, talk, and act moving forward. The first “test” or internal awareness comes up during the first quarter square where we will become very aware of how we have contributed to our relationship dynamics in the past. Since this is the integration week after the eclipse, be sure to continue your journaling so that you can use this time as a reference for the spring when the next eclipse portal opens up in Aries.
Monday 16th
We may be feeling some tension around upholding a personal truth in the eyes of skepticism or disbelief from others. This can be a good time to evaluate our own personal truths and get rid of outmoded ideas or beliefs that are unnecessary in our lives. We also may go through the day finding it hard to feel satiated, like an itch that can’t be scratched. This is your time to see how your body reacts when it is seeking out more pleasurable resources. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Moon opposite Jupiter rx, opposite Uranus rx.
Tuesday 17th
It’s easy to flow with the day and take whatever comes our way today with the Moon ingressing into carefree Sagittarius. We seek to broaden our minds and our potential. When the Moon moves into a square Saturn, we can set the wheels in motion for activating a new plan or new program/process.Moon trine Neptune rx, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius 12:36 pm, square Saturn rx.
Wednesday 18th
There is quite a bit that will be coming up today regarding our relationships past and present. The themes that were brought up with the Solar Eclipse in Libra last week will become very clear today. We may have some past relationships, ways that we relate to people, agreements, and contracts that need to be dealt with or finalized. This is when we are able to recognize the kind of closure that is available for us. Brace yourself!
Moon square Venus, trine Chiron rx. Sun opposite NN. Mercury opposite NN.
Thursday 19th
The Eclipse energy is starting to wane a bit and the shock is dissipating into something that is manageable. We can now get a handle on how to move forward as the insights are becoming more clear and vision is coming back into the peripheral. There may be a lot of information that comes through for us to consider which will open us up to a new way of viewing the situation.
Moon trine NN, square Neptune rx, sextile Mercury, sextile Sun, Moon > enters Capricorn at 6:54 pm, sextile Saturn. Mercury conjunct the Sun.
Friday 20th
It’s go time! The cosmic energies of the day are ripe for manifesting opportunities, new pathways, and solutions. Don’t let this energy come to pass without taking advantage of the positive flow that surrounds you today. There are doors that are open, are you willing to take the risk and walk through? Have you been wanting to ask for a raise? Ask that person out on a date. Do what gets your heart beating and take action.
Moon sextile Mars, trine Venus, trine Jupiter rx. Mercury square Pluto.
Saturday 21st
This is the test day, where what we had been integrating and learning about ourselves throughout the last couple of weeks while in the Eclipse portal, comes through for us to take action on the newfound wisdom. There may be some hiccups, bumps, or roadblocks that are put in our way but this is merely so that the universe can see if you really are ready for the next step in your evolutionary path. Lead the Libra way, with diplomacy, tact, and charm.
Moon square Chiron, trine Uranus rx, square NN, sextile Neptune rx, conjunct Pluto, square Sun, square Mercury, Moon > Aquarius at 11:06 pm. Sun square Pluto. Venus square Jupiter rx. MERCURY > Scorpio at 11:48 pm.
Sunday 22nd
Feeling stuck in the middle of two different forms of desire but knowing that we have to do the right thing. We may be getting caught up in temptations today. The form of temptation that comes up for each person will vary based on the birth chart. What can be sure is that our mental strength outweighs our physical desires and that we can overcome old habitual patterns that do not serve our highest good.
Moon square Mars, square Jupiter rx. Mercury trine Saturn rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel