Week Ahead Transits 11th - 17th September

Weekly Astro Forecast for September 11-17
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Virgo 18° 18’ - Virgo 25° 7’
Moon = Leo > Scorpio
The changing of the seasons is right around the corner with the Sun making its journey through the last decan of Virgo. The biggest news for the week is the New Moon in Virgo and Mercury stationing direct! This news will come to many with open arms as Mercury tends to confuse and alter the mind throughout its 3 weeks in retrograde motion. Mercury stations direct at 8° Virgo and went retrograde at 21°51’ Virgo. These degrees are important to note as they now represent the retrograde phase of Mercury which will present us with new information and wisdom. The Sun will travel over the 21° mark this week opening us up to new ways of being with the information that was learned while Mercury was rx. The last decan of Virgo is represented by the 10 of pentacles in the Tarot. This card illustrates the importance of legacy and how this plays a big role in a sense of accomplishment. All of the hard work and determination that we have participated in throughout the year now culminates in these last days of Virgo season. What is your legacy and what do you want to leave behind? Bit by bit we work towards the larger goal to achieve a sense of pride and accomplishment. Throughout the week, ask yourself what you would like for your legacy to be, and what you would like to leave humanity with. That is your greatest gift of service.
The New Moon this week features a grand earth trine between Jupiter in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. This moon is going to be a very nurturing and fulfilling moon. Be open to reception and care, tuning in deeply to our and others’ needs. The comradery that the Virgo energy brings us is healing in and of itself but to add three behemoth planets in the mix is opening a gateway to understanding how important the industries of service are to humanity. The caretakers, the providers, the customer service experts, and the ones who take care of and help make any process run smoothly will be acknowledged! It is oftentimes the feminine roles that are underappreciated in modern society. But for this New Moon, we are able to deeply feel the presence of all of those who have helped us to heal ourselves and our communities. This offers up a good time to connect with our own mothers as well, understanding the huge sacrifice that one takes of their own bodily resources to provide for another through the gestation cycle. Virgo is along the axis of service with Pisces, and these two signs understand what real sacrifice means.
Venus square Jupiter
Venus makes a square to Jupiter this week and a square to Uranus next week. When it comes to the financial world, the two benefits squaring one another tend to put us in a place where we are realizing what we want more of – which can leave us feeling unsatisfied with what we have. The square energy pushes us and motivates us to make changes in our lives/relationships/dynamics in order to grow and evolve. The Venus and Jupiter square can leave us wanting more and more and more until we end up with a belly ache. Take care to notice where you are overcompensating for a general internal sense of lack. This can also be a good transit to make changes to your financial habits for the sake of eventually having more, it can be a necessary step to limit or restrict ourselves from frivolous or quick, immediate gratification.
Monday 11th
Today we are sharing ourselves in bold ways, the Venus and Moon conjunction in Leo are giving us big expressions. The desire to repair, connect, and share our love is broadened throughout the day and, when the Moon moves into a trine with Chiron, the flow of healing energy comes through those small moments when we are being accepted for who we truly are.
Moon sextile Mars, conjunct Venus, square Jupiter rx, trine Chiron rx.
Tuesday 12th
Sometimes when we get caught up in ourselves, we can forget who is around watching which is really the best kind of self-expression and personal joy. But when that purity becomes tainted by an outside opinion or judgment it can rattle our sense of confidence. Don’t let the naysayers shake you up if there are any for today. The Moon in Leo is helping us to find the confidence in being uniquely ourselves in order to draw in fellow weirdos who do get it.
Moon square Uranus rx, voc from 8:06 am - 10:17 pm, trine NN, Moon > Virgo at 10:18 pm.
Wednesday 13th
We may succumb to the melancholy that is brought on by the Moon opposite Saturn today. Accessing our emotions and being able to feel them thoroughly can be difficult and it might be easiest to ignore them completely. Just know that there are over 34,000 different types of emotions that can be experienced, try finding some creative ways to express what it is that you are feeling.
Moon opposite Saturn rx, conjunct Mercury rx.
Thursday 14th
The New Moon is in Virgo today. We can take the time to come back into the self today. Practicing mindfulness and stillness in appreciation for the little things helps to harness the art of being in the here and now. This is an expansive moon that cultivates an energy of deep learning and integration of important wisdom that can be utilized throughout your life and beyond.
New Moon at 6:39 pm, Moon trine Jupiter rx, trine Uranus rx.
Friday 15th
The lightbulbs go off in our minds today, as the tides of the new moon of yesterday slowly rescind to expose a litany of potential. The knowledge has been channeled and now a burst of inspiration pushes us forth. Mercury stations direct today as well so any new insights and pieces of information that we had gathered during its retrograde phase become enmeshed within our understanding of reality.
Moon opposite Neptune rx, trine Pluto rx, Moon > Libra at 10:44 am. Mercury stations direct. Sun trine Uranus rx.
Saturday 16th
We’re in feisty spirits today, with the energy of Mars lighting up the Moon in Libra, the uptick in arguments today is palpable. This is a great day to work on communication and negotiation skills. If you notice more people around you engaging in argumentative behavior, know that it is an opportunity for the collective to harness the ability to handle confrontation with tact and eloquence. We may also notice that we have to restrict ourselves from pleasure, or that the stirrings of the heart pull at us for more.
Moon conjunct Mars, sextile Venus, opposite Chiron rx. Venus square Jupiter rx
Sunday 17th
The past comes up for review as the Moon travels over the South Node. Old hurts and wounds that have not been properly dressed will need a new layer of bandaging. We may be feeling extra sensitive to other peoples' judgments and the rawness of the past is still present. Take care to address any lasting upset so that you don’t take it into the future with you. There may also be a need for apologies either to or from you today.
Moon opposite NN, square Pluto rx, Moon > Scorpio.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde