Week Ahead Transits 6 - 12 January

Week ahead transits 6 - 12 January
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Capricorn 16° 15’ – Capricorn 23° 23’
Moon = Aries – Cancer
It’s a big week! The Nodes of the Moon shift from Libra/Aries where they have been for the last year and a half and into Pisces/Virgo. The nodes determine where the eclipses will be for the coming year-and-a-half eclipse cycle, regarding the sign and the themes. The Virgo/Pisces axis nodal shift couldn’t come at a more appropriate time as the issues around health, healthcare, standards of living and workers’ rights have been rearing since December. The north node will be pulling our attention towards Piscean themes, which are as vast and far reaching as the mutable fish can be. Pisces North Node helps us to focus our attention on the development of our spiritual centers. We may see a rise in interest in spiritual and religious matters. Figureheads of spiritual groups may come up into the forefront of our discussions with unifying and inspirational speeches, they may also come up due to scandals as well. The nodal shift can start us out by seeking solitude, quiet, and peace in the area which Pisces resides in your birth chart. Anything mystique, otherworldly, and whimsical distracts us away from the mundane responsibilities of every day life. ‘Escapism’ through dreams and music/entertainment along with inner subconscious journeying such as meditation and hypnosis can become a part of the daily routine for the purpose of connecting more deeply with the true self. After the all of the grit and strength that we put in during the North Node in Aries era, we are tired and ready for some R&R through the dreamy fish.
The first quarter Moon in Aries hits on Monday the same day that Mars ingresses back into Cancer through its retrograde motion. Through the energy of the first quarter Moon, we are faced with questions of our own abilities, skills and strengths. We may be faced with a specific challenge to prove ourselves in some way. Mars retrograde in Cancer picks up on antiquated insecurities which were present when Mars was traveling through Cancer at the end of October before it turned retrograde. October 17th specifically is a date when Mars and Neptune were creating tense realizations and cutting through the illusions. Mars was forcing a mini wakeup call upon us, slashing through misconceptions for the sake of being emotionally real and honest. Mars will continue on through Cancer until mid-April, so there is still plenty of time to work on repressed anger that may still lie dormant.
Mercury ingresses into Capricorn, leaving the wandering spirit of Sagittarius for a promise of new future. Mercury in the cardinal earth sign understands that progress takes time and that if we decide to do anything, it may as well be as near to perfection as possible. We like to discuss strategy and business while Mercury navigates the constructive sign Capricorn. This is a great time to organize one’s life for the sake of attaining one’s goals more easily and efficiently. Mercury squares Neptune before hitting the down to earth practical goat, offering a window of creative exploration and problem solving. Make use of the imaginative nature of this combination and allow the mind to explore the profound for when we let the mind loose, it can bring back some unusual tales.
Monday 6th
Mars retrograde is giving us an attitude adjustment, from and indignant lion to a sensitive Susan. The fire inside has been evolving, growing and the way that anger comes up may look a bit different through the Cancerian lens. There is potential for misunderstandings which are bred through false pretenses and defenses. Mercury square Neptune implores us to distinguish where our thoughts are coming from and to set aside opinions for the sake of exploring the source of origin.
Moon sextile Jupiter rx, square Sun, conjunct Chiron, Mars > Cancer at 2:44 am, Mercury square Neptune.
Tuesday 7th
Moon square Mars retrograde inflames impatience, the Moon is at the last degree of Aries pushing boundaries on personal needs. Our own interests may come into conflict with those of family and or friends in a hot bed of tantrums. If action isn’t being taken then frustrations can arise. Certainly not necessarily a good day to try something new or push oneself into an unusual or different pattern than what one is used to as that may just ignite tempers even more. The Moon enters Taurus today, seeking peace is the answer.
Moon trine Mercury, square Mars rx, Moon > Taurus at 2:11 pm, square Pluto, sextile Venus
Wednesday 8th
Mercury enters Capricorn today while the Sun squares Chiron, this combo brings into question the foundations of wisdom and the intellect of the political structures that govern mass communication. We may find out a new process for our healing that may throw a curve ball in the process thus far which brings into question the validity some treatments. This can be a time when we seek out a second opinion, seeking guidance from a trusted source which is accredited, tried and true. Alternatively, Sun square Chiron can have us asking whether the tried and true still upholds its significance or whether it has become antiquated in a new era.
Moon sextile Saturn, trine Sun, Mercury > Capricorn at 2:29 pm, Mercury square NN, Sun square Chiron.
Thursday 9th
It’s the monthly day of cray, the Moon connects with Uranus just before entering Gemini, effectually snapping some wiring from the brain cells to initiate a new neuropathway… Essentially it’s the day to change things up. We need variety in life even though the Taurus Moon will say otherwise its synergy with Uranus each month challenges the notion of stagnation. With support from Neptune and Mars retrograde, whatever small changes we make throughout the day will have lasting ripple effects the remainder of the month.
Moon conjunct Uranus, sextile Neptune, sextile Mars rx, Moon > Gemini at 5:06 pm, Square Saturn.
Friday 10th
With just one itty bitty aspect between the Moon and Mercury for the entirety of the day,
A sneak peek at the coming Venus square Jupiter transit reveals our current relationship to the material world/money and beliefs around the material objects we own. Moon in Gemini opens conversations and ideas about how we can better utilize the things and the stuff that we already have within our possession. What we own and our relationship to it may need to go through a change, but today we toy with the ideas of such.
Moon square Venus, conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn.
Saturday 11th
The nodal shift happens today! This marks a big transition within the realm of personal health, healing, service, daily rituals and work. From now on, the eclipses will bring up these sorts of topics for us to reconsider and develop new areas of awareness. The North Node in Pisces will bring up collective conversations regarding how we heal and highlight the institutions that govern spaces for healing such as hospitals, ashrams and jails (yes, jails were meant to be places of social/moral rehabilitation). We are also being asked to investigate spirituality in all of its facets. The Moon ingresses into Cancer today opening opportunity to heal.
Moon sextile Chiron, square Neptune, square NN, Moon > Cancer at 8:24pm, Nodal ingress into Pisces/Virgo.
Sunday 12th
Old wounds from October 27th come up to resurface as Mars retrograde makes a second trine with Neptune. The trine opens avenues for easy flow and communication between two planets and with Mars retrograde being fiercely protective in Cancer, any security issues may arise that was worked through or opened up originally back at the end of October. The need to communicate something important also comes to surface. It’s important to maintain composure even if it feels like you aren’t being heard. Venus and Saturn’s influence help to ground us and use sweetness to persuade.
Moon opposite Mercury, trine Venus, trine Saturn, Mars rx trine Neptune.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel