Week Ahead Transits 28 October - 3 November

Week ahead transits 28 October - 3 November
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Scorpio 5° 20’ – Scorpio 12° 21’
Moon = Virgo – Sagittarius
This week is probably one of the most hectic weeks of the year. Normally we would have four to five notable transits, but there are a plethora and most of the action kicks in after the New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st November, mere days before the United States elections. Hold on to your boots, this week will be a wild one.
Here is a list of the transit that are influencing us this week:
New Moon in Scorpio
Mercury opposite Uranus rx
Mercury trine Neptune rx
Mercury trine Mars
Mercury ingresses into Sagittarius
Mars opposite Pluto
Mars ingress into Leo
Mars trine Neptune rx
Venus square Saturn rx
Venus opposite Jupiter
Venus trine Chiron rx
As you can see, this is a lot of planetary movement for a short amount of time and most of it is contributed to Mercury and Mars’ ingresses into Sagittarius and Leo, respectively. Mars gets one last jab in with an opposition to Pluto before he ingresses with dramatic flair into the fixed fire sign Leo, a sign where he feels more comfortable. Vacillating in the unpredictable ebbs and flows of the cardinal crab puts Mars at constant attention, whereas in Leo the inner warrior can utilize basic instincts to navigate the terrain.
The last time Mars and Pluto met was 11th June (square) and the 13th February (conjunct) of this year. The conjunction date will be the point of interest in deciphering how the coming opposition will affect you. Think back to the beginning of the year around that date and consider what major changes or decisions you were faced with. The seed of righteous anger was planted and it is now coming into full bloom. Anger is a tool which fuels the necessary components for change and helps to move pent up or stored energy. Our body stores all memories and experiences – which is hard to grasp conceptually at times, but we are faced with this truth most often when those memories and emotions come out as conditions, fears, phobias or disease. There are of course other positive effects but those aren’t as loud most times.
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st at 5:47am PST sits at 9°35’, which is the first decan of the fixed water sign. This decan associates us with the 5 of Cups in the Tarot. The image of the card depicts a figure hunched over, looking at three cups which have spilled over while two remaining cups stand behind him. When we are overcome with grief, sometimes all we can focus on is what has been lost. It requires a concerted effort to physically move oneself into a new position/environment/outlook to be able to see what else is still available to us. This decan, ruled by Mars, teaches us to take difficult actions even through the face of grief. It also shows us the way we all individually navigate our own process with loss. The yearly shedding of dead weight is a natural progression of evolution which the Scorpion so fondly reveres.
Monday 28th
There are a million and one distractions that fall from the sky and are placed on our lap, seeking a permanent home. The Moon is busybodying in Virgo, trying to fit all of the pieces back in their rightful place – the amount of tasks to accomplish may seem daunting. With Mars trine Neptune rx, a bigger purpose underlying our motivations takes root and the ideals which we strive to live up to become the way-shower. Venus and Saturn help to solidify what we no longer need and what that need is will depend on what house Venus is transiting in your birth chart.
Moon square Jupiter rx, sextile Mercury, trine Uranus rx, opposite Neptune rx, sextile Mars, trine Pluto, Moon > Libra at 9:29 pm, Mars trine Neptune rx, Venus square Saturn rx
Tuesday 29th
When the Moon touches the south node, old relationship dynamics, patterns and conversations come out from the woodwork. The topics of conversation reflect the previous eclipse cycle tone but this time offering a level of distance from the situation that provides an objective outlook. The topic is most likely to revolve around relationships – romantic/platonic/all kinds as the Moon is in Libra and when that is the case, we are open to releasing heartache from the past.
Moon opposite NN.
Wednesday 30th
An opportunity to expand our understanding of love comes through conversations that erupt at random, with the grocery clerk, getting an oil change or a short trip to the post office. Serendipitous human interactions elude us in this day and age, and when there is an opening to break the silence in a crowded room, one must oblige the god of Mercury to cause a stir in the collective. Big feels come through with the Moon in Libra trine Jupiter, and confidence is in a good place to take a leap of faith with the heart.
Moon sextile Venus, opposite Chiron rx, trine Jupiter rx, Mercury opposite Uranus rx.
Thursday 31st
Today is a bit rough on the psychological palate and we may feel like hiding in a cave to explore the untapped emotional geysers that lie lingering in the old noggin. Anger, frustration and rage are cleansing energies that connect us with the elements of fire and water to purge out stuck muck. With the spiritual influence that Neptune is aiding Mercury with, we may be able to find the source for the water at the bottom of the well. The New Moon is tomorrow in Scorpio so the urge to retreat and exist in a sacred space of letting go, moving on, grief and loss is palpable.
Moon square Mars, square Pluto, Moon > Scorpio at 10:29 am, Mercury trine Neptune rx.
Friday 1st
The New Moon in Scorpio is upon us, unlocking portals to the other side of existence and there is a direct link to ancient times. Secret and sacred devices, old technologies that have gone nowhere but into the memories of the past re-emerge. Drudging up into our awareness what we have lost to mourn the dead and dying parts honors who we are in the transition of becoming. Introspection level is at an all-time high and we are recalibrating where suspicions lie.
New Moon in Scorpio at 5:47 am, trine Saturn rx.
Saturday 2nd
A sea change of hope makes an appearance. The Moon ingresses into Sagittarius, as does Mercury. The two meet at 0°, claiming a fresh new way to explore beyond the self. The centaur shoots his arrow into the center of the galaxy, sparking flashes of inspiration that catapult new life. Anticipation is in the air for the other shoe to drop. Try not to get too wrapped up in the media hype with Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars in Cancer it is easy to let emotions direct one’s thoughts and communication, indulging in discourse out of indignation.
Moon opposite Uranus rx, trine Neptune rx, trine Mars, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius at 10:19 pm, conjunct Mercury, Jupiter rx sextile Chiron rx Mercury trine Mars, sextile Pluto, Mercury > Sagittarius at 12:17 pm.
Sunday 3rd
Mars enters Leo today pumping up the grandiosity in our desires, seeking to attain more through competitive efforts. When Venus and Jupiter meet in opposition, it creates a situation where we have to decide to either spoil the soul or pamper the physical body. What we want and crave vs what is good for us typically comes at odds especially today with Mars opposite Pluto. We may have a swirling whirlwind of emotions that pit our hearts and deeper knowing against one another. It is a potent day to take action towards harnessing our own sense of inner authority, without letting external influences dictate our equilibrium.
Moon trine NN, square Saturn rx, Mars opposite Pluto, Mars > Leo at 8:09 pm, Venus opposite Jupiter rx, trine Chiron rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel