Week Ahead Transits: 27 May - 2 June
Week ahead transits 22 April - 5 May
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 6° 29’ Gemini – 13° 11’ Gemini
Moon = Capricorn - Taurus
Monday 27th
A bit of a radical emergence comes through our emotional awareness today as the Moon enters Aquarius and makes contact with all of the outer planets throughout the day. An ability to connect with a larger order/collective mood may affect the individual’s presence within one’s own mental realm. What this could mean is that the energy of the collective takes precedence and can be a distraction. Collaborative projects may take a creative turn, however there is a strong leadership archetype coming in for everyone which creates strong opinions.
Tuesday 28th
There is a positive, easy flow today with our communication. We may feel like our minds are lit up and it is much easier to express how we are feeling and plans that we are working on. There is a lot of inspiring conversations to be had which help to propel future movement.
Wednesday 29th
Sensing when it is appropriate to remove oneself from the group is a level of self-awareness that the day may require. However, naturally we may feel compelled to keep to ourselves as the Moon moves into Pisces, eliciting a sense of closure, introspection and contemplation. The moon makes a couple of tough aspects curating a tense feeling rather than a welcome one, wishing to find more time alone or be left alone when not being able to find the right way to communicate it.
Thursday 30th
The last quarter moon hits today in Pisces which can bring up some confusion around how we are feeling vs what we communicate. There can be some misunderstandings and misrepresentations of our intentions and what was previously said. With Mercury conjunct Uranus there is an opportunity to grow from any misunderstandings in order to work on bridging the differences between everyone’s unique perspective and mental cognition.
Friday 31st
There is a somber and serious tone to the day which nurtures constructive habits. The Moon connects with Neptune and Saturn before entering Aries, this offers moments of quiet contemplation and reflection on the inner spiritual journey thus far. When the Moon enters Aries we get a jolt of energy that kicks us out of any funk we may be in and helps to boost the energy levels for the next couple of days. Don’t be surprised if you end up staying in bed for some R&R throughout the day.
Saturday 1st
Sweetness, sultry and a little spicy today, there is a passion in the air that is tangible. The Moon makes contact with Venus and the Sun while navigating the fiery realms of Aries and this helps to motivate us into getting exactly what it is that we want out of life. If you have been playing it cool or small, today is not the day to do that. Go out of your comfort zone and put yourself in the spotlight!
Sunday 2nd
Jupiter and Pluto are trine today which expands on massively powerful energies. This is a powerful day to manifest and work on actualizing your dreams as well as navigating the beauty of a transformed way of viewing the world. There are a lot of changes afoot and today is the day to enact them. Keep an open mind to new ways of perceiving because if you don’t you might get left behind in the dust.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel