Week Ahead Transits 24 - 30 March

Week ahead transits 24 - 30 March
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Aries 3° 53’ – Aries’
Moon = Capricorn – Aries
March madness continues into the week with the second half of the eclipse cycle anchoring us deeper into the new versions of who we are becoming. The Solar Eclipse in Aries at 9° of the ram initiates questions within ourselves regarding who we are to become and how we are to implement the individuated self within the hive mind of humanity. We seek to tear ourselves away from the fragmented philosophies of the collective which is divided amongst themselves in order to build a stronger and more wholistic version of the individual. The first decan of Aries pairs with the Two of Wands in the Tarot, representing the specific moment of consideration that comes before taking a giant leap forward. It is a bit of a holding space that is so necessary. Visions and dreams come to view which inspire inevitable action later on, but action isn’t the name of the game just yet unless that action is being taken with in the imaginative realms. Jump start the mind through creative visualizations, first sensing and then feeling what the ideal future will taste like. The New Moon can be a time of motivated action for some but it is important to curate the vision before jumping head first into an underdeveloped plan.
Venus and Mercury, both in morning star phases Prometheus and Lucifer, take to the skies divulging all of humanity’s deepest desires and secrets. When Mercury and Venus both enter into their morning star phases this means that they rise above the eastern horizon in the morning, before the Sun can shine its glory onto the world. Implementing one’s will before the state oftentimes leads to imprisonment but sometimes one must defy the law of the land in order to highlight how arbitrary any and all laws are. The only law is that of the universal order and anything else is merely human fodder. Or is it? That is what Mercury and Venus will challenge throughout their morning star phases, which will last until May 30th for Mercury, and January of next year for Venus. Venus will bring forth much-needed awareness around sex and sexual identity while transiting through Aries. When she meets with Pisces on Thursday, she calls our awareness to spiritual and religious practices that preach hypocrisy in hopes of purging away ideology that aims to separate and divide. Mercury ingresses back into Pisces on the day of the eclipse, causing a bit of dreamy confusion and mental fog. Utilize this potent Mercury placement to channel down guidance and information from the ethers.
Neptune enters Aries the day after the New Moon Eclipse. This is a major transit as it will be closing a chapter for all of humanity regarding spiritual practices and traditions. Neptune is a slow trans-personal planet and takes quite a bit of time to move through the zodiac and has been in Pisces since 2011. Consider what spiritual practices you had started or walked away from during that time and where you are now in relationship to them. This week heralds a huge shift collectively in how we assert our beliefs which, through Aries, will be more hyper-individualized. We now put faith in the individual to help guide and direct the evolution of human consciousness. Think Luigi Mangione, he acted upon his own will to disrupt a corrupted system based on his own beliefs – whether you believe in them or not, his individual views regarding healthcare and the mismanagement of the social system is what drove him to act on his own free will for the sake of the collective. And because of his one rogue act, there now is a sense of importance placed upon the individual to enact its free will to change the system rather than placing hope in an organized system to change itself.
Venus and Mercury, both in morning star phases Prometheus and Lucifer, take to the skies divulging all of humanity’s deepest desires and secrets. When Mercury and Venus both enter into their morning star phases this means that they rise above the eastern horizon in the morning, before the Sun can shine its glory onto the world. Implementing one’s will before the state oftentimes leads to imprisonment but sometimes one must defy the law of the land in order to highlight how arbitrary any and all laws are. The only law is that of the universal order and anything else is merely human fodder. Or is it? That is what Mercury and Venus will challenge throughout their morning star phases, which will last until May 30th for Mercury, and January of next year for Venus. Venus will bring forth much-needed awareness around sex and sexual identity while transiting through Aries. When she meets with Pisces on Thursday, she calls our awareness to spiritual and religious practices that preach hypocrisy in hopes of purging away ideology that aims to separate and divide. Mercury ingresses back into Pisces on the day of the eclipse, causing a bit of dreamy confusion and mental fog. Utilize this potent Mercury placement to channel down guidance and information from the ethers.
Neptune enters Aries the day after the New Moon Eclipse. This is a major transit as it will be closing a chapter for all of humanity regarding spiritual practices and traditions. Neptune is a slow trans-personal planet and takes quite a bit of time to move through the zodiac and has been in Pisces since 2011. Consider what spiritual practices you had started or walked away from during that time and where you are now in relationship to them. This week heralds a huge shift collectively in how we assert our beliefs which, through Aries, will be more hyper-individualized. We now put faith in the individual to help guide and direct the evolution of human consciousness. Think Luigi Mangione, he acted upon his own will to disrupt a corrupted system based on his own beliefs – whether you believe in them or not, his individual views regarding healthcare and the mismanagement of the social system is what drove him to act on his own free will for the sake of the collective. And because of his one rogue act, there now is a sense of importance placed upon the individual to enact its free will to change the system rather than placing hope in an organized system to change itself.
Monday 24th
A day of sextiles, which is an energy between planets that know how to communicate clearly but still have their own things to say. Sextiles are like little sister energy, there’s a comradery but it also takes a little work to get the point across, there are teaching opportunities throughout the day. Moon ingresses into Aquarius and has a deep make out session with Pluto, sharing secrets of the community. Revelling in information and juicy tea, the Sun shines over Mercury just before he transitions into the morning star phase. Get ready for the information that will inevitably transform your perceptions of yourself.
Moon sextile NN, sextile Neptune, Moon > Aquarius at 8:24 am PST, sextile Venus rx, conjunct Pluto, sextile Mercury rx, sextile Sun, Sun conjunct Mercury rx.
Tuesday 25th
Deep truths emerge and a desire to share what we have learned motivates outreach with like-minded folks. Moon trines Jupiter, creating a natural flow with mind and body which signals just how much we have grown intellectually over the years. It is easy to unearth patterns of thought, recognize underlying themes and implement their importance in an archetypal way. The mind is piercing and accurately on point to suspect underlying nuance. The answers for how to do something that has been a conundrum easily surface.
Moon trine Jupiter, sextile Chiron, Mercury rx sextile Pluto.
Wednesday 26th
Some disruptions within social groups can arise as the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus just before entering Pisces. The mood is, at first, confrontational and then quickly retracts into the self for healing. A bit raw with emotion, the Moon in Pisces will have us needing some space to feel into the unusual interruptions. Mars square Chiron is taking charge in finding ways to heal a sever within our relationships and also within the self, that may look like finding the right doctor, seeking guidance on an issue at hand or going to an environment that houses a sense of calm and peace.
Moon square Uranus, Moon > Pisces at 12:31 pm PST, Mars square Chiron.
Thursday 27th
Venus dances back into Pisces from Aries and becomes subdued and subversive. Our loving nature is taking a step back to reassess how we are showing up in the world, a moment of reprieve from the troubles of the world or a relationship challenge. It can feel like all we are wanting at this moment is a little peace from the outside, to think clearly. In watery Pisces, Venus finds time to shed excess weight craving fluidity and radical compassion. Moon square Jupiter has us seeking out what we need in order to feel that peace of mind.
Moon square Jupiter, Venus rx > Pisces, conjunct Neptune.
Friday 28th
Though there is a party in the sky, the energy just isn’t there with the upcoming New Moon Eclipse beckoning us to take a beat and slumber the days away. We might be more reactive towards introspection and internalization throughout the day, questioning our life thus far and how it has led us to where we are in this moment. Break out the pen and paper and get to mapping, the Pisces flare sends channeled messages through the unconscious and speaks as an artist’s muse.
Moon trine Mars, conjunct Saturn, sextile Uranus, conjunct NN, conjunct Venus, conjunct Neptune, Moon > Aries at 1:35 pm PST, conjunct Mercury rx, sextile Pluto.
Saturday 29th
Our impulse is to remain in a dream-like state with Mercury and Venus taking us back into the watery realms of the fish, even though the eclipse in Aries is feeding an internal flame for impulsiveness. We may need to clear our schedules to allow a spontaneous flow of inspired action. As with all new moons, the vibe leans towards introspection and solitude, with the Aries influence this is solidly the case. Take time to reconnect with the self and play with visions of a future self that has yet to be revealed.
New Moon Eclipse at 3:57 am PST in Aries, Moon sextile Jupiter, Mercury rx > Pisces, conjunct Neptune.
Sunday 30th
The Moon goes void most of the day leaving us anchorless before the Moon enters Taurus. It seems like there is so much to do but no clear understanding of how to continue forward, as of yet. Neptune enters Aries and this radical shift of spiritual energy signifies a major ending to over a decade-long journey with our relationship to the divine. Faith in the self and one’s own determined path lights the way forward rather than an intrinsic trust in the unknown. The creation of reality lies now in the hands of the individual.
Moon conjunct Chiron, square Mars, Moon VOC for 10H 58M, Moon > Taurus at 1:15pm PST, square Pluto, Neptune > Aries.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel