Venus enters Taurus

Venus enters Taurus
16th PDT 15:34 / 17th AEDT 9:34
As we linger in the darkness before the dawn of the new astrological year, Venus slips into luxurious Taurus, its domicile. The planet of love and romance will spend just shy of a month in this sign, during which time it will connect with the lunar North Node, presenting opportunities for fated connections.The evening star’s movements speak to our relating style. Venus is comfortable in the sign of the bull, but comfort can be counterproductive to growth. Too much can be taken for granted within this evocative territory. Distracted by the ambiance, we assume all exchanges are destined for lasting success, that all romances have caliber. Love may be easy to access in such a lush atmosphere, but it is not always easy to maintain. Relationships require not only care, but they must be resourced properly to thrive. A desert plant will not last long in a wet environment, no matter how much we might want it to. People are the same. They thrive in the proper conditions. Nurturing those conditions takes work.
Venus’ conjunction with the North Node (and its concurrent opposition to the Scorpio South Node) presents us with a choice in how we “do” relationships. In the coming days, we may discover that deep communion can be found in the most unlikely places. That love does not have to be an intensely passionate experience to have legitimacy. Rather, it is within a space of ease and comfort that true relating is allowed to develop at its own unhurried pace. Venus in Taurus does not like to be hurried. It takes its time establishing trust and even more time vetting you to make sure your intentions are pure.
So, this begs the question, can we be comfortable, and still grow? The short answer is, of course. We can, and SHOULD, be comfortable in owning and embodying our passions and desires. We grow when we allow the course of our relationships to be dictated by the principle of pleasure, and not the fear of loss.
As we step into Aries season, our personal lives will be full of commotion and activity. But our relationships, governed by Venus, trend simplistic. “Simple” does not mean “boring”. “Simple” means that bonds do not have to be forged in the fires of extremity and conflict. No great challenges must be overcome to evince their merit. No Scorpionic trial must be passed for love to be “won”.
Consider what it feels like to share silence. To have mutual respect for one another’s desires, interests, and appetites. To respect that your partner may be a desert plant and you may need rain, and that love demands that we comprehend each other’s needs, not rend one another from the environments in which we naturally flourish. Taurus does not extend immediate rewards. As with any earth sign, careful, deliberate tending is required for circumstances to bear fruit. For some, Venus’ passage in Taurus will signal an opportunity for seed-planting, with the potential of a passing glance or pointed compliment to be harvested at a later date. For others, it will be a time of deepening sensual experience. In all, Venus in Taurus is an invitation to affirm our needs and celebrate our passions, while challenging us to think about love’s longevity differently.
Written by Nyssa Grazda