Venus enters Gemini

Venus enters Gemini
10th PDT 21:47 / 11th AEST 14:47
Venus glides into mutable air-sign Gemini today, where it immediately enters into mutual reception with messenger-planet Mercury. Mutual reception is a fancy way of saying that a planet is occupying the sign of another planet’s rulership. Mercury rules Gemini, where Venus is transiting. And Venus rules Taurus, where Mercury will remain for an extended stay due to its retrograde cycle. Planets in mutual reception complement each other. They provide energetic aid by supporting and reinforcing the essential attributes that their counterpart has difficulty expressing.
While Venus is in Gemini, our hearts are fickle. The sign of the twins intimates duality and division. Curiosity, creativity, and laughter facilitate attraction. Affection is best expressed through witty banter, good-natured teasing, and all-night conversations. "I saw/heard/read this and thought of you" is flirtation fodder.
However, we tend to be more skeptical of love’s longevity in this terrain. Love has nothing to do with facts or figures. Feelings are not easily quantifiable or reduced to data points. Romance defies rationale. Because we prefer to intellectualize our emotions rather than be at their mercy, we may to opt sidestep attachments and work the room instead.
Mercury in Taurus offers an assist here, reminding us to “think with our senses” and “communicate instinctually”, granting Venus in Gemini the context it needs to articulate its desires. The mind-body connection is fortified, generating greater ease within our physical, cerebral, and social environments. If we feel ourselves becoming scattered or detached, Mercurial magic will help us to find our center. We can get the twins to hold hands instead of having to chase after one or the other and force them to play nice. Now, once Mercury turns around on April 21, this balancing act may become more tricky. But for the time being, enjoy the variety. Both Venus and Mercury would currently agree that it's the spice of life.
Written by Nyssa Grazda