Week Ahead Transits 10th - 16th April

Weekly Astro Forecast for April 10 - 16
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Aries 20° 9’ - 27° 0’
Moon = Sagittaruis > Pisces
The Sun moves through the last decan of Aries this week. Themes = finalizing work projects, perfecting our skills, and refining the path towards accomplishments. The last decan of Aries connects us with the energy of the Knight of Pentacles, 4 of wands and the Emperor. All of these cards in the tarot point to a ritual of daily maintenance and self mastery. The Moon begins to wane off her fullness and we’re winding down from the high energy that she brought with her. We see the energy of the last New Moon in Aries from March 21st manifest clearly with the Sun in Aries and Moon in Capricorn on the 11th. The last quarter moon presents us with the clear path to process how to navigate and work through our new endeavours.
This week we feel called to connect with others and expand our network by engaging with groups that share our individual beliefs. Venus ingresses into Gemini at the beginning of the week changing our style and aesthetic to match that of a nomadic traveler, inquisitive and curious. Functionality, ease of mobility and a readiness for exploration gets us thinking in ingenious ways about the material world around us and how we can creatively express our personal views around sustainability.
Monday 10th
Our search for whimsy, magic and drama has us bridging the gap in various modes of understanding. The story that captivates and inspires is surely to be the one which drags our eyes through a newly released hero’s journey. There is a part of our emotional curiosity that feels pulled to settle into a familiar setting but the need for new experiences takes hold. A new love emerges today with Mercury ingressing into Gemini. A new intellectual pursuit captivates the mind and all its fiery synapses sparkle with childlike glee to have found such a fascinating detail.
Moon trine Chiron, trine Sun, trine Jupiter, inconjunct Uranus. Venus -> Gemini.
Tuesday 11th
A snap to moment, a bit of whiplash comes down with the Moon’s path invading a sleeping Neptune in her slumber after the Moon shifts focus in Capricorn. With the Sun conjuct the planet of grandiosity, and wisdom, we receive a boost of energy through Jupiter’s abundant life force. Emotions are conjured to the surface with little control at first. A minor offence can turn into a crucial tipping point with the sensitivities of the Moon and the Sun. A serious undertone can set the stage for a grander expression than what was intended. This can be a productive day for creative and intellectual progress. Cultivating a ritual around personal beliefs.Moon square Neptune, voc 3:33 am – 10:32 am, Moon -> Capricorn at 10:33 am, inconjunct Venus, sextile Saturn, trine NN. Venus trine Pluto. Sun conjunct Jupiter.
Wednesday 12th
Ready for action, ready for solutions. Today the Moon is preparing us to foster an environment for productive, focused energy output. Get the work done, bend like bamboo, and be ready to adjust your mental acuity towards something that requires your direct nurturance whether that be a colleague, child, partner, or friend. Our attention may be called to help aid others in some way which distracts but builds mental agility. Trying to control the outcome doesn’t make room for growth today.Moon opposite Mars, trine Mercury, square Chiron, trine Uranus.
Thursday 13th
There is a strong desire to persuade, commune and connect with those who share the same ideals and values today. Connecting with others based off of beliefs, political and philosophical ideologies bear fruit. An opportunity to share in a common wound for catharsis opens with the Moon entering Aquarius and hitting Pluto immediately at the same time. A gentle sweetness to these kinds of interactions restores a sense of belonging. The day may get off track slightly but considering the cost benefit analysis, the opportunity to connect with others and having a heart to heart tends to be worth it in the end. Notice where you are purposefully pulling away or feeling internal rejection. There is wisdom in understanding the parts of ourselves that we instinctively want to hide. trine Moon Square Jupiter, square Sun, sextile Neptune, voc 7:15 am – 1:41 pm, Moon -> Aquarius at 1:42 pm, conjunct Pluto, trine Venus, square NN.Friday 14th
We know what we need to do to get everything in order. We can be feeling pressure from others to perform or show up in responsible ways. We may need to show our work, offer something as proof or produce a data sheet of how we have been acting responsibly. With Venus moving into a square with Saturn, the message of what we need to limit in our lives to get on track presents itself. Notice where you feel pressure, limited or restricted, this is where Saturn is showing you to refine your work. This is a quality day to learn from any and all mistakes in order to better ourselves for the future.Moon square Mercury, sextile Chiron, square Uranus. Venus square Saturn. Saturn sextile NN.
Saturday 15th
Making our dreams a reality. Early in the day we can get bloated with ideas. It feels like we must sit on them for the time being, let them marinate in the salt waters that Pisces likes to swim in. The moon moves into Pisces today and pits our conscious and unconscious minds against one another as she steps on the solid ground that Saturn has curated. A fish out of water, a magic act exposed. The man behind the curtains tells us his real name and we would rather he didn’t because the dream was so much more fun.Moon sextile Jupiter, sextile Sun, voc 8:16 am – 3:55 pm, Moon -> Pisces at 3:56 pm, sextile NN, conjunct Saturn.
Sunday 16th
Nothing seems to feel right though, whether it’s an uncomfortable shoe, a missing belt loop or the food not turning out as expected, the dream or idea of a thing doesn’t turn out to be exactly what we wanted but luckily it’s a just the Moon square Venus and it will pass quickly. On our search for comfort, we find small synchronicities. When we are in a natural state of flowing with the energies around us and maintaining flexibility, the seas part for small serendipitous exchanges.Moon square Venus, trine Mars, sextile Mercury, sextile Uranus.