Sun Enters Taurus

Sun Enters Taurus
19th PST 7:00 / 20th AEST 2:00
The sun enters Taurus as Jupiter and Uranus link up by degree, which seems an auspicious way to start off a season. We have finally cleared the eclipse window, and even as Mercury retrograde lingers, the cosmic dust is beginning to settle. On an aesthetic and energetic level, the Taurus sun is partial to settled dust (Taurus sun natives will tell you that if there is dust to be kicked up, THEY will be doing it THEMSELVES thank you very much), and so we have an opportunity in the month ahead to cultivate deeper presence and peace of mind. With the benefit of hindsight, events of the past few weeks can be examined from a less combative headspace. We need this desperately. We need to slow way down.
However, the Taurus sun answers to Venus, which remains in dynamic Aries for the next ten days. Its influence causes our desires to feel especially pressing and makes our impulse to satisfy them seem especially urgent. After Venus enters Taurus on April 30, the sweetness of the season can take over in earnest. We may suddenly become more attuned to our environments, observing spring blooms or animal activity. Our inner rhythm will also improve, as sleep cycles re-regulate and we become more deeply invested in nourishing our physical and emotional bodies.
On May 11/12 the sun will cross over the degree of Jupiter and Uranus’ April 20/21 alignment. Pay special attention to these dates and note personal correlations. It’s likely that fortuitous surprises and breakthroughs that occur during the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be reactivated when the sun passes over their meeting point. Accepting opportunities that arise here will prove simultaneously confidence-building and liberating to our ego.
Written by Nyssa Grazda