Sun Enters Gemini

Sun Enters Gemini
20th PDT 5:59 / 20th AEST 22:59
The sun enters inquisitive Gemini today, awakening our curiosity and enhancing our social skills. Its ingress ushers in a period of extroverted restlessness – a prime occasion for mingling, making introductions and reconnecting with old friends. Yet this may also be the most *romantic* month of the year, as the sun will travel within a two-degree orb of love planet Venus until the final week of the season. Even as they separate, their close proximity will continue to manifest noticeable results. This month, we can expect to feel extra good in our skin. Happiness with our appearance or intellect acts as a huge self-esteem booster. And because confidence attracts admirers, recognizing our worth will have the added effect of making us extra magnetic to others too.
This space where we know our worth is the best possible space from which to make new connections, as it’s a place where, egoically and emotionally, we don’t necessarily feel like our lives are lacking. We won’t be hunting for romance out of boredom or seeking different friendships because we’re tired of our current crew. Instead, we meet people from a space of fulfillment, where their presence adds value instead of padding a precarious gap.
Others are also less likely to be jealous of what we have or covetous of our attention now because their dance cards are equally full. We are all BUSY, trying to maximize our time with social engagements, classes, dating, taking day trips or getting lost in conversation over a drink or a good meal. We’re networking and growing businesses. We’re THRIVING. If you want to get the most out of the Gemini sun, remember: the more the merrier. Build your world and invite others in.
Written by Nyssa Grazda