Sun Enters Aries

Sun Enters Aries
20th PDT 2:02 AM / 20th AEDT 8:02 PM
Having united with cosmic heavyweights Saturn and Neptune in the late degrees of liminal Pisces, the sun crosses over the threshold into Aries. Welcome to the new astrological year!
Now, the year might be new, but we *are* presently perched between two eclipses. March 29’s Aries Solar Eclipse, the final eclipse in our most recent Aries-Libra eclipse series, looms. Plus, Venus and Mercury are retrograde, and the sun is on course to align with both in the coming days. Aries season is typically a season of goal setting, yet there is a sense that we’ve arrived in medias res. Stories are being concluded even as we are being prompted to pen new ones. And maybe that’s the point.
One thing is true of this moment: you do not *need* everything that you have carried across the threshold. It’s good that you brought it all here, because in the light of Aries’ flame, you’ll be able to assess its utility in ways you could not while wading in Pisces’ murky waters. But if you are still attempting to shlep a foregone relationship, long-shot business opportunity or exhausting creative enterprise into April, it’s a perfect time to acknowledge that the lighter your pack, the more freely you will be able to move.
Aries’ motto is 'I AM', and this season demands a certain amount of egoism. Expect to be active and busy. It may not seem as though you are making much headway, but it is important that you are in motion and in hindsight you will understand why. Work with what you have on hand to make your vision a reality, even if all you have is your wiles. Be scrappy. Invent it as you go. And who says that one door has to close before you are within your rights to open another? If your instinct is to open the door, do so. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Written by Nyssa Grazda
Photo by Emelie Mihalca