Pluto stations Retrograde

Pluto stations Retrograde
1st PDT 10:08 / 2nd AEST 3:08
In order to transform the toxic within our systems we are required to invite the demons to the dinner table and identify them by name first and foremost. Without this identification process we aimlessly react to stimuli without a sense of ownership over our own realities, continually blaming the world and others for our own misfortune. Taking responsibility for the not so pleasant aspects of our conditioning is what Pluto rewards and the reward is a transformed, empowered persona which is unflinching in its individuation, a confidence that cannot be shaken, and intuitive knowing which is not taught in books.
Pluto is a slow moving planet and will transit over any given point between 3-5 times. It sifts through the psyche, looking for gold nuggets of wisdom with each pass over a personal planet or point in the birth chart. The retrograde phase of Pluto lasts about 5.5 months each year and is an integral part of the transformation process. Whatever Pluto is touching in your chart will signify what is being completely changed in your way of seeing and thinking. There is an emergence of latent psychological goo that lingers from past hurt and pain which Pluto works to stir up in order for us to identify where the hurt still exists. Pluto Rx takes a microscope to any obsessive thoughts which we are unaware of and brings them to the surface so that we may work to manage or neutralize them, so they no longer overpower our behaviours.
Pluto will ingress back into Capricorn on June 11th and then station direct on October 11th at 27° 53’ Capricorn. This is a natural cycle which happens every year and is a part of the alchemical process of transformation, allow yourself to be in flow with the changes and the shifting tides. Whatever comes up for review, remember that it is nothing to be ashamed of or feared but to be overcome and empowered by.
Written by Evelyn Zuel