Mercury Stations Retrograde

Mercury Stations Retrograde
25th PST 18:42 / 26th AEDT 13:42
Mercury stations retrograde holding an opposition to Jupiter, with which it is also currently in mutual reception. These two planets have been opposed since November 13, challenging us to question our beliefs and assumptions, a task ADDITIONALLY complicated by the fact that they are each in fall in their respective signs. This clash can exacerbate wishful thinking, stretch attention spans thin and prompt attempts to capitalize on half-baked schemes. It’s a moment where much of what we are saying or proposing is better in theory than in practice, but even if we sense the truth of that, we won’t want to admit it for a minute.
But as Mercury begins its final Rx of the year, it remains locked in this opposition. Mercury and Jupiter make their second pass on December 4, but Mercury never gets more than nine degrees away from Jupiter by the time it goes direct on December 15/16. It will not break from its opposition until after the new year, which means that not only is Mercury retrograde primed to cross wires, but our Mercurial experience over the next month is highly influenced by Jupiterian glut and Geminian information inundation.
Although Mercury Rx typically heralds technological mishaps, the greater risk for this transit may involve taking odd legal or academic advice. Get a second and third opinion if you’re in a crunch. And then consider sitting on those opinions too, at least until after the ball drops.
Good reflections for this passage include…
- When is it helpful to push ideological boundaries versus when is it better to scrutinize my own dogmas?
- If I need someone else to think like me, why? Is it for the sake of better communication or to substantiate my intelligence?
- Is what they’re saying credible?
- Is what *I’m* saying credible?
Written by Nyssa Grazda