Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury Enters Taurus
15th PST 10:05 / 16th AEST 5:05
Mercury enters Taurus today, immediately locking into a square with Pluto that sets the tone for the rest of its transit. The Mercury-Pluto square marks an occasion of psychological intensity and concentrated mental activity. Our urge is to make sense of the inscrutable, but we only have the tools in our Taurean toolkit, which are quite simplistic relative to Plutonian secrecy. We may now be frustrated at the thought that something is going over our head, that someone has pulled a fast one on us, especially because, presently, we can’t see the punchline. Defensiveness is the result. We dig in our heels when we SHOULD be acknowledging the potency of the ineffable.
Mercury will spend just about two and a half weeks in Taurus, but only in its final days will we get our much-needed a-ha! moment, thanks to Mercury's May 30/31 alignment with visionary Uranus. In the meantime, we’re not really supposed to be doing any heavy mental lifting. This is a period of deliberate decision-making, logical reasoning and intellectual conservatism. Here we say what we mean and even if we later regret how we said it, we’re unlikely to apologize. Mercury in Taurus is a Mercury that trusts the senses. It believes what it sees with its own eyes and takes what it hears at face value. And so, while today’s hunch is that something is going on and we are out of the loop, and we resent not being IN the loop, we should consider how much time and energy we want to spend digging for answers that, if received, may not make us happier, wiser, or even better informed. Taking our time and paying attention will get us further than forcing the truth out into the open because these practices have a more obvious utility: to reveal our psyches and the world around us to ourselves without pretense.
Written by Nyssa Grazda