Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury Enters Gemini
3rd PST 00:37 / 3rd AEST 17:37
Mercury joins Jupiter, Venus and the Sun in Gemini today, intensifying the frequency of idea-exchange. It will sprint through its domicile in just two weeks, so whatever it is that you have to say, this may very well be the time to say it.
However, the pitfall of a planet with strong essential dignity is it has some fundamental blind spots. Mercury in Gemini is comfortable and when planets are comfortable, our behavior can get lazy.
Mercury in Gemini is a Mercury that enjoys mimicry. It encourages us to parrot others, not to deceive (per se), but to build rapport. But impulsive mimicry can land us in hot water if our actions later contradict our assertions. Claiming to have more information than we really do might cause us to be labeled a fake or fraud, when fakery wasn’t our intention at all – connection was.
The next two weeks will move very quickly and there is a good chance that we will make certain promises or commitments based on a lethal combination of distraction and nervous energy. Have you ever zoned out of a conversation, only to be suddenly snapped back to the present when asked “don’t you agree?” That split-second decision of whether to vigorously concur (because we don’t want to appear inattentive) or admit that our minds were elsewhere (and risk criticism), is the cosmic cringe of Mercury in Gemini.
Therefore, our current assignment is to be an active listener. During conversations, ask questions to keep your attention from drifting. Seek clarification on confusing issues. Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question. To this point, avoid planning your response or retort during a dialogue. The urge to mimic may be strong, but anticipating another’s thoughts will only take you out of the moment, making true connection impossible.
Written by Nyssa Grazda