Mercury Enters Capricorn
Mercury Enters Capricorn
8th PST 2:30 AM / 8th AEDT 9:30 PM
Mercury exits the sign of Sagittarius, where it has been traveling for over two months due to its retrograde spin! Despite the confusion of its about-face, there are worse places for Mercury to spend the holiday season. Its presence in mutable fire provided some levity and likely inspired the setting of not a few grandiose intentions.
Still, Mercury’s entrance to Capricorn may feel like a breath of fresh air. Something about this transit signals that we’re back in business after a break, eager to put a plan into action or make headway. Simply remember that while the calendar year might be new, the astrological one isn’t. And with Mars still retrograde, this can be a time of improved concentration and getting our affairs in order, but it’s not a time to rush.
Later on this week, the lunar nodes shift into Pisces and Virgo, commencing a new 18+ month cycle. Mercury in Capricorn aids this shift by helping us to keep a sober perspective. Our outlook is Janus-like, reflective of our collective progress over the past 18 months, while looking forward to new opportunities for growth. This is a pragmatic exercise and it should inspire smart strategizing. Yet if you begin to veer into pessimism over unfinished undertakings, remember that trying to force your slate to be clean isn’t realistic. If you are not already where you want to be, hone in on which ducks need to be put in which rows to get you there. Know that it’s okay to go slow get the results you want. Talk yourself UP instead of down, if for no other reason than talking yourself down is what Mercury in Capricorn would consider a waste of energy.
Mercury will transit Capricorn for just under three weeks.
Written by Nyssa Grazda