Mars enters Libra

Mars enters Libra
27th PDT 6:20 / 27th AEST 23:20
After seven weeks in strategic Virgo, Mars enters Libra, sign of the scales. With the exception of a few brief lunar transits, Mars will be the only planet occupying an air sign until September 22/23. Its passage therefore provides some levity to a cosmic landscape currently dominated by dense, grounded, earthy energy. Yet diplomatic Libra is challenging turf for a planet concerned with conquest. This is a relational sign, one associated with compromise and negotiation. Libra encourages us to assess our options, to weigh the pros and cons. Mars is in detriment here, which is a fancy way of saying that expressing its authentic nature is difficult. And when a planet experiences an identity crisis, so do we!
So the good news: Mars in Libra supports using charm and intellect to achieve our desired outcome. Powers of persuasion are strong, and others are less likely to regard our agenda as a threat to their own success. Weighing the pros and cons might slow down our process, but it guarantees a well-thought out gameplan once we make our move.
The bad news: making a move is a STRUGGLE under this influence. Sitting on the fence can become a sport, and indecisiveness, our downfall. Missed opportunities are inevitable if we wait for others to validate, and to our way of thinking, legitimize, our choices. Additionally, we are cautioned against passive-aggressive manipulation tactics (actually a good rule of thumb regardless of the transit!). Go ahead and leverage powers of suggestion. Even reverse psychology is fair play now! But we cannot become upset or bitter if others are unable to read our cues. Dancing around subject matter instead of being direct will find everyone involved becoming justifiably frustrated.
Keep in mind that Libra upholds tenants like honesty and integrity. Mars can play in this field! Our best bet now is to be forthright. After all, genuine negotiation requires us to stand up for what we believe in!
Mars will transit Libra until October 11/12.
Written by Nyssa Grazda