We enter December fresh into Mercury’s retrograde and Mars’ station is not far behind. As mentioned in a previous post, all planets except for the moon (the inconstant moon) currently defer to Jupiter through their dispositor chain. A dispositor is the planet that rules the sign in which a planet is placed. So, for example, even after the sun moves into Capricorn on December 21, the Capricorn sun will defer to Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) in Pisces, which defers to Jupiter (the ruler of Pisces). All of this is to say that if December has a theme, the theme is JUPITER. Keep that in mind as you navigate the holidays and all the grandiose expectations that come with the season. Bigger is not always better. Good intent is no substitute for planning and forethought. Blowing something out of proportion won’t get you to a resolution faster. That being said, the opportunities for genuine connection are many now, even as Mercury does its wire-crossing moonwalk.
December 6/7 – Mars Retrograde: frustration and stalled momentum characterize this transit but suspending the grind until after the new year is probably good medicine.
December 7 – Venus enters Aquarius: we enter the friends-to-lovers pipeline. Not the most romantic season but the least conventional, which keeps things interesting.
December 7/8 – Neptune stations Direct: after five months retrograde, blurring boundaries and reapplying rose-colored glasses.
December 15/16 – Mercury stations Direct: but Mercury remains in Sag for the next three weeks, which means there is still much to be discovered (and perhaps apologies to be made).
December 21/22 – Sun enters Capricorn: marking the solstice and encouraging us to consider resolutions for 2025
December 29/30 – Chiron Direct: forecasting real-world confrontations with those who seek to sabotage our self-confidence. Don’t feed the trolls.