Art and design are magic — infused with intention as they are brought into reality. Through our Zodiac Collection journals and notebooks, we breathe life into every zodiacal sign, further forging a relationship with the cosmos and these creations that you may hold in your hands. Each Zodiac cover design embodies the essence of the sign they represent — little visual poetic musings. They act like sigils, artistic expressions, and spells in secret.
The Zodiac Collection features the 12 signs of the zodiac and their layers of interwoven secrets. Central to the design is the symbol of the zodiac sign, itself. A claim of rulership and embodiment. This is the first step, where the characteristics of that sign send waves through every page. At the crown of the illustration you will find the sign’s association with the seven rays, followed by the tarot suit, ruling planet, the exaltation, the decan rulers, the modality of the sign, and the element of the sign. Cocreating a truly unique vision that speaks to the layers of cosmic influence at play.
The ruling planet is the planet that oversees and naturally connects to the astrological sign. The exaltation is a dignified placement, a space where a planet may feel its best or more heightened. The decan rulers are sub-influences, where any given sign is divided into three equal parts (about 10º) and assigned a ruling planet that supports that degree range of the sign. The decan rulers chosen are based on the Chaldean Order (planetary speed) and the associations to the Astro Code + Decan Tarot Wheel (see page 18 in the planner). The modality of a sign shows its mode, how it responds to stimuli, and how it exercises its actions. There are three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Lastly, the element is the natural element that the sign embodies, such as Fire, Earth, Air, or Water.
Passionate, Assertive, Active
Aries as a fire sign rules movement, action and initiation.
Ray I • VII Tarot Suit: Wands Ruler: Mars Exalted: Sun and Pluto
Decan: Mars rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Sun rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Venus rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Cardinal Element: Fire
Sensual, Decadent, Steadfast
Taurus as an earth sign rules abundance, sensuality and strength.
Ray IV Tarot Suit: Pentacles Ruler: Venus Exalted: Moon
Mercury rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Moon rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Saturn rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Fixed Element: Earth
Inquisitive, Communicative, Flexible
Gemini as an air sign rules communication, consciousness and the mind.
Ray II Tarot Suit: Swords Ruler: Mercury
Jupiter rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Mars rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Sun rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Mutable Element: Air
Nurturing, Sensitive, Creative
Cancer as a water sign rules nourishment, receptivity, intuition and the home.
Ray III • VII Tarot Suit: Cups Ruler: Moon Exalted: Jupiter
Venus rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Mercury rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Moon rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Cardinal Element: Water
Expressive, Generous, Playful
Leo as a fire sign rules willpower, life force and self-expression.
Ray I • V Tarot Suit: Wands Ruler: Sun Exalted: Neptune
Saturn rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Jupiter rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Mars rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Fixed Element: Fire
Analytical, Exacting, Careful
Virgo as an earth sign rules organization, coordination and assimilation.
Ray II • VI Tarot Suit: Pentacles Ruler: Mercury Exalted: Mercury
Sun rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Venus rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Mercury rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Mutable Element: Earth
Gracious, Balanced, Just
Libra as an air sign rules beauty, balance and relations.
Ray III Tarot Suit: Swords Ruler: Venus Exalted: Saturn
Decan: Moon rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Saturn rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Jupiter rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Cardinal Element: Air
Magnetic, Deep, Intimate
Scorpio as a water sign rules desire, sensuality and internal power.
Ray IV Tarot Suit: Cups Ruler: Pluto Exalted: Uranus
Mars rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Sun rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Venus rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Fixed Element: Water
Adventurous, Honest, Knowledgable
Sagittarius as a fire sign rules exploration, enjoyment and enthusiasm.
Ray IV • V • VI Tarot Suit: Wands Ruler: Jupiter
Mercury rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Moon rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Saturn rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Mutable Element: Fire
Wise, Diligent, Structured
Capricorn as an earth sign rules structure, integrity and career.
Ray I • III • VII Tarot Suit: Pentacles Ruler: Saturn Exalted: Mars
Jupiter rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Mars rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Sun rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Cardinal Element: Earth
Original, Genius, Humanitarian
Aquarius as an Air sign rules non-conformism, the future and technology.
Ray V Tarot Suit: Swords Ruler: Uranus
Venus rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Mercury rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Moon rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Fixed Element: Air
Altruistic, Empathetic, Intuitive
Pisces as a water sign rules other realms, spirituality and creativity.
Ray II • VI Tarot Suit: Cups Ruler: Neptune Exalted: Venus
Saturn rules the 1st decan (0º to 9º) Jupiter rules the 2nd decan (10º to 19º) Mars rules the 3rd decan (20º to 29º)
Modality: Mutable Element: Water
Each zodiac design illustrates the layers of its influences, from ruling planet to modality, element to exaltation.
Dive deeper with the Astro Code + Decan Tarot Wheel in our Astrological Planner.
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