The Seven Rays

The Seven Rays is a concept that stems from Esoteric Astrology, a complex philosophical astrological system channeled by Alice Bailey in the early 20th century. Each ray has a planetary association, along with a form of consciousness that is attuned to it and describes the steps which transcend the soul into higher levels of consciousness. The planetary rulers for the signs are different than in traditional and modern rulership as Esoteric Astrology aims to map out the process for evolving the soul’s will outside of the mundane physical existence, which includes the personality/ego.
Esoteric Astrology teaches one how to fully realize one’s soul purpose among the collective, in contrast to the psychological astrology that we are accustomed to. Each ray is like a plane of existence, we have the ability to evolve our souls through each ray’s consciousness.
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Ray IWill & PowerThe first ray opens up the pathways which bring in a dynamic potential energy for humanity to manifest leadership.
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Ray IILove-WisdomThrough ray two, humanity is able to experience the higher understandings of existence through love consciousness. This is the plane where we attain deep wisdom for the purpose or sake of others. Planet: Jupiter ShopGemini Journal | Virgo Journal | Pisces Journal |
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Ray IIIActive Intelligence & AdaptabilityThe third ray brings in energies which help us to attain foresight and intellect, which is meant for strategic planning. This ray shows how to attain wisdom through sensory input. Planet: Saturn ShopCancer Journal | Libra Journal | Capricorn Journal |
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Ray IVHarmony & BeautyThis ray brings refined artistry and beauty to the collective for the purpose of learning how to compromise, mediate and bridge the gaps between two polarizing fields. Planet: Mercury ShopTaurus Journal | Scorpio Journal | Sagittarius Journal |
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Ray VConcrete Knowledge & ScienceThe fifth ray gives us the capacity to think through the scientific method of cause and effect. Ray five gives humanity the power to define and create thoughtforms. Planet: Venus ShopLeo Journal | Sagittarius Journal | Aquarius Journal |
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Ray VIDevotion & IdealismThe sixth ray brings the power of abstraction, unshakable faith and optimism. Planet: Neptune, Mars ShopVirgo Journal | Sagittarius Journal | Pisces Journal |
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Ray VIICeremonial OrderThe seventh ray helps to manifest spirit within the material plane of existence and is where humanity learns to manipulate the energy fields for the purpose of organization. Planet: Uranus ShopAries Journal | Cancer Journal | Capricorn Journal |
Reference: Cycles of Opportunity by Carole Beckham
Written by Evelyn Zuel