An Introduction to the Magic of I. 2025 Astrological Planner

New to the Magic of I. Astrological Planner? Not sure how to use it or what it is?
The 2025 Astrological Planner is a powerful tool for creating magic and living in alignment with the cosmos.
Not only is it a yearly, monthly and weekly planner, it is also a comprehensive guide to all of the moon movements, planetary placements, transits, and aspects of 2025. Expertly and precisely curated for three key timezones, the planner accommodates our global community.
This potent navigational tool empowers us to discover our full potential while granting permission to be as we are. It teaches us to flow in flux with the moon and capture the conversations of the planets. Equipped with an awareness of the natural cycles, we are inspired to align our lives for holistic harmony.
The Magic of I. Astrological Planner – A learning tool for beginners. A tracking tool for astrologers.
2025 Planner Theme | Astro-Mythology: Origins of the Zodiac
The 2025 edition is inspired by the roots of astrology, as it takes us into the world of Astro-Mythology – retelling the origins of the twelve signs of the zodiac. As the sun traverses through each sign, explore the mythology that underpins the zodiacal energies we are familiar with in today's modern astrology with an esoteric spin. Myth is the bloodline running through the realm of astrology, keeping it alive is important for connecting and deepening our understanding of the primordial sowing of stars. Learn more about the theme in the Astro-Mythology: Origins of the Zodiac (pg. 30).
Pair your 2025 Planner with our Zodiac Journals in our 2025 Planner and Journal Bundle to expand your journaling rituals, and receive a bundle exclusive 30% discount.

Get Astro-Curious
Throughout the initial pages of the planner you will find a visual guide to all of the amazing Calendar Features (pg. 2) included within, plus space to fill in your Personal Astrology Birth Chart (pg. 3).
This is designed to help you see at a glance how to work with the planner, while also creating a more personalized connection to this incredible tool.
If you would like to access your natal chart, fill out your details here on our website.
If you want to know a little more about how to work with astrology in the everyday, you can learn while using this planner. Start with How to use the Moon Signs & Elements (pg. 4), and understand How to use the Calendar Aspectarian (pg. 7) to decipher the language of symbols and tune in to the conversations of the cosmos. If looking at all the planets feels a little daunting to you, focus on the Moon as it changes signs often. You can journal with the Moon’s movements and track how you feel.
Optimize Your Energy and Focus Daily
The planner has a one-of-a-kind system created by Kerry, our founder, called Optimum Times™ Life Guide (pg. 8). It truly is the magic of this planner, as it gives a rundown of the overall energy for each and every day. It’s a system that distills the general daily vibe of the planets into twelve easy-to-navigate celestial phrases such as “Diamond Mind,” “Stroke of Genius,” and “Go with the Flow.” Each phrase is explained in your planner to help you get the most out of the day, navigating the most optimal days for rest, creativity, productivity and more. Consider this your secret tool for scheduling and life planning.
A Learning and Tracking Tool for All
If you are unfamiliar with the terminology and nuances of astrology, included is a complete and handy Astrological Reference Guide (pg. 12) for learning all of the planets, signs, houses, aspects, elements, modes and much more. It gives you first-hand exposure to understanding how to speak the language of the stars. Receive insights into Void Moons and Eclipses and find a library of symbols that help you interpret their meanings.
As Above So Below, As Within So Without
Astrology impacts life on earth. Whether you are a nature witch, alchemist, herbalist, permaculturalist or tarot-enthusiast, you can benefit from several parts of our planner. Sharpen your knowledge or learn something new with informative charts and guides: Moon Planting Guide (pg. 16), Astro Code + Decan Tarot Wheel (pg. 18), Planetary Hours (pg. 19), Astrological Bodies (pg. 20) and Planetary Correspondences (pg. 21), all in the one magical book!
Look to the Planetary Movements and Retrogrades (pg. 22) for the paths of the planets in 2025 to support you in planning, preparing and tracking retrogrades and key planetary movements. It allows you to have a more holistic picture of how the planets move.
Moon and Womb
Our bodies are attuned to the Moon. In the Astrological Planner, you will find an overview of The Moon and its Phases (pg. 23), what they mean and how to work with them. This is a great reference for moon magic rituals. Find cycle synchronicity with an integral guide to Menstrual Cycles and the Moon (pg. 24) and the Four Phases (pg. 25) for a complete cycle tool kit. Track the moon in one place with the Moon Phases + Signs Calendar (pg. 28), with a droplet coloring system for linking the moon to the menstrual cycle, for those with cycles.
Practical Magic with Intentions and Actionable Steps
Interested in knowing the exact timing for making magic? See 2025 Exact Aspects (pg. 38). The exact aspects allow you to be intentional about what energy is coming down the pipeline. With each of those aspects colored boldly in the monthly and weekly overviews for a clear indication of when they are happening.
Then find all New Moon and Full Moon Dates, Eclipses, Retrograde and Direct Dates (pg. 42) in a complete overview of the entire year. This will also be called out throughout the planner pages for each month to make them more easily identifiable during every astrological season.
There is space to reflect, dream, and ideate. The 2025 Intentions Workbook (pg. 44) initiates planning your year by breaking down eight areas of life for dreaming and manifesting with precision and ease. Each area has journal space to list “What I would like” and then Actionable Steps to get you closer to your dreams. Fill these in at the beginning of the new year or when you receive the planner.
Keep track of your dreams by refining them in Monthly Goals and Intentions and even further into Weekly Goals and Actionable Steps to really turn your dreams into reality. Structure Astro-seasonal living with the Birdseye View of 2025 (pg. 62) to see the whole year in overview and keep track of important dates.
A Guide to Every Zodiac Season
Each month offers The Month at a Glance, which lists the sun signs, dates of the New and Full Moons, the Moonthly Themes + Reflections, as well as Important Astrological Transits for the month. At the end of each month there is journal space for your New Moon Intentions and Full Moon Illuminations to really dive into personal moon work.
Pair the planner with our journals in our 2025 Planner and Journal Bundle to go deeper into your journaling practice and receive a bundle exclusive 30% discount.
The Monthly Overview outlines the main moon phases + signs, all of the planetary movements, as well as the celestial phrases from the Optimum Times™Life Guide (pg. 8). Use the Weekly Planner like a regular diary, but have the Moon Signs + Phases, Planetary Aspects and Optimum Times™ on hand each day to align to the energies and flow of the cosmos. Astrologers and astro-enthusiasts have access to all the planetary data in one place in the 2025 Planetary Ephemeris (pg. 268).
Close out the year by getting to the heart and soul in your End of Year Review (pg. 267) or by Creating Space, and Letting Go (pg. 268), where you can use this to shed the unwanted limitations of the past.
Go forth, explore and create magic.