Sing to deep waters, new ways

Governments profit off war.
Profit over people’s lives.
The deepest well of human shadow.
Governments profit off sickness.
Profit over people’s health.
A ripple from that same well.
Governments profit off the environment.
Profit over planet.
A ripple from that same well.
Governments profit off media.
Profit over truth.
A ripple from that same well.
That shadow is all of ours to contend with.
If we close the well, we just bury the shadow deeper.
If we fill the well with more of the same, we just grow the shadow deeper.
We must sing to the deep waters, the shadow depths of power, sorrow, lack of love and empathy. Naivety. The lost souls of leaders. The confusion, the old mind.
We must sing in new ways of being.
Sing out our sorrows of the horror and devastation, the heart break.
Sing through lies and deception, into truth.
Sing in compassion, kindness, patience and all traits of the great Mother.
For the fathering of this world has lost its way and imbalance is screaming at us to wake up.
We must sing in new ways of being. New ways of doing, new ways of loving.
Addressing our own shadows. Relinquishing power-over to being power-full.
We must continue to sing in new leaders who can midwife in a new era.
We must sing for the beauty that already exists, and lift her up for all others to see.
For safety. Freedom.
If we don’t.
This all fails, for all humans.
Profit over people’s lives.
The deepest well of human shadow.
Governments profit off sickness.
Profit over people’s health.
A ripple from that same well.
Governments profit off the environment.
Profit over planet.
A ripple from that same well.
Governments profit off media.
Profit over truth.
A ripple from that same well.
That shadow is all of ours to contend with.
If we close the well, we just bury the shadow deeper.
If we fill the well with more of the same, we just grow the shadow deeper.
We must sing to the deep waters, the shadow depths of power, sorrow, lack of love and empathy. Naivety. The lost souls of leaders. The confusion, the old mind.
We must sing in new ways of being.
Sing out our sorrows of the horror and devastation, the heart break.
Sing through lies and deception, into truth.
Sing in compassion, kindness, patience and all traits of the great Mother.
For the fathering of this world has lost its way and imbalance is screaming at us to wake up.
We must sing in new ways of being. New ways of doing, new ways of loving.
Addressing our own shadows. Relinquishing power-over to being power-full.
We must continue to sing in new leaders who can midwife in a new era.
We must sing for the beauty that already exists, and lift her up for all others to see.
For safety. Freedom.
If we don’t.
This all fails, for all humans.