Letting go of time

This year one of my intentions is 'LETTING GO OF TIME'.
Wild that I make a very specific Astrological planner with very specific timings for each and every tiny little movement in the cosmos.
Why and how can I possibly let go of time? And if I let go of time won't everything just fall apart into disorganised chaos?
Quite the opposite actually. I have been practising letting go of time since I made this discovery of my desire to do so at the turn of the Gregorian calendar into a new year. That sentence in itself is a paradox. But time is paradoxical in nature.
There are many layers to time.
There is time in the context to ageing, phases and length of life, and with this come societal expectations, pressures and perceived milestones.
There is time in the context of planning and structuring, and with this comes effort, organisation, preparation and letting go.
There is time in the context of how long something might take, and with this predetermined lengths of a deadline, a day, a season or a year. Just to name a few.
So much of my world has been about time and timing, which has been incredible, but it can feel quite heavy and stagnant after a while. Empty almost, like bones with no warm flesh and ligaments to make them move and sway to the music of life.
The truth behind the desire to let go of time is to actually invite in more support and presence. Something that has been slowly unfolding over the last many months.
To let go of time there is an absolute requirement of some kind of structure, organisation and somewhat of a plan. The rest is simply about letting go and trusting the bones do their part.
Increased presence dissolves time anyway.
So far it has been an interesting experiment and will no doubt continue to unfold.
Already the pressures of what is 'expected' at certain ages are releasing and I'm finding flow again.
What would release for you if you let go of time?
Wild that I make a very specific Astrological planner with very specific timings for each and every tiny little movement in the cosmos.
Why and how can I possibly let go of time? And if I let go of time won't everything just fall apart into disorganised chaos?
Quite the opposite actually. I have been practising letting go of time since I made this discovery of my desire to do so at the turn of the Gregorian calendar into a new year. That sentence in itself is a paradox. But time is paradoxical in nature.
There are many layers to time.
There is time in the context to ageing, phases and length of life, and with this come societal expectations, pressures and perceived milestones.
There is time in the context of planning and structuring, and with this comes effort, organisation, preparation and letting go.
There is time in the context of how long something might take, and with this predetermined lengths of a deadline, a day, a season or a year. Just to name a few.
So much of my world has been about time and timing, which has been incredible, but it can feel quite heavy and stagnant after a while. Empty almost, like bones with no warm flesh and ligaments to make them move and sway to the music of life.
The truth behind the desire to let go of time is to actually invite in more support and presence. Something that has been slowly unfolding over the last many months.
To let go of time there is an absolute requirement of some kind of structure, organisation and somewhat of a plan. The rest is simply about letting go and trusting the bones do their part.
Increased presence dissolves time anyway.
So far it has been an interesting experiment and will no doubt continue to unfold.
Already the pressures of what is 'expected' at certain ages are releasing and I'm finding flow again.
What would release for you if you let go of time?