Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius new moon
Feb 11 11:06AM PST / Feb 12 6:06AM AEDTMoonthly Theme:
Aquarius new moon reflection:
‘I ignite radical change within, I recognise and fight for the needs of the collective’
“Go your own way, on the path you select for yourself, corresponding to your own inclinations. Don't accept any statement because it was made. Even if it was true a hundred times over, it is still not your truth, it is still not your experience, and it will not belong to you. Bring truth into being, and then it will belong to you. Regard the lives of those who have achieved truth only as proof that the goal can be reached.” - Elizabeth Hiach
Aquarius. With 6 planets currently in Aquarius our world is buzzing. No sleep on the new moon for this cosmic conduit!
Flashes of insight, bolts of wisdom, sudden changes beyond our wildest imagination, and an overload of information and stimulation. Consciousness is getting a power up.
To balance all of this electric energy is to drop back into the heart. Intuition is the navigator through information chaos. Heart connection creates a sublime field that interconnects and joins with other fields and keeps growing and increasing in strength and power. It earths us. It brings us back into the self, our true self, in which we can then be a better conduit for all that we can receive.
"Intuition is the brain of the heart" - Monique Leurink
This new moon is a potent time to dream. Dream back the original senses we all have access to, the antennae of the in-between spaces, the innate wisdom of interconnectedness, the psychic, telepathic, supernatural muscles that have atrophied. Dream them back into being.
What you desire has the ability to show up quickly. What you focus on expands. Visions require passion and energy to bring them to life, and this is where bravery comes in. Bravery to step away from the normal, to back yourself completely and ignite your visions with heart fire, so they may turn into action, into truth, into freedom and sovereignty.
Insightful, different, lightening fast. To avoid getting lost in the tech and info overload, come back to source. Go for a walk in nature, leave the phone. Sit under a tree and marvel at the relationships and connections all around you.
Like a tree rooted deep in the earth is to lightening splitting the heavens, let the insights flow in without blowing out your system.
Be in the body, in the heart. A conduit between heaven and earth, a visionary of the future and your unique truth.
With love
Kerry - Magic of I.
New moon Aquarius 23°16
Cultivating Gnosis
Sabien Symbol:
"A Man Having Overcome His Passions Teaches Deep Wisdom In Terms of His Experience”
Astrologer Evelyn Zuel says:
Aquarius is often misunderstood, but to be fair, its representation of being the water bearer does throw people off its tracks. People are typically surprised when they come to find that Aquarius is actually an air sign and not a water sign. The Aquarius constellation shows a person pouring a pitcher of water out onto the universe right above Pisces, the fish. This image of a human figure showering the heavens with the life-giving element water, represents the power of emotional intelligence, and how fruitful we become when we are able to give from a place of intellectual knowing. The vessel in which gnosis travels throughout the cosmos is materialized in atoms and molecules that appear to be solid, dense, matter but in actuality is made up of a cluster of tiny vibrating particles that are held in space by an invisible force. Density of matter is to some extent an illusion; it is trickery of the mind that forces us to perceive reality as concrete. The space between all of these vibrating particles is the key to Aquarius.
Information travels at lightning speeds through space and we can receive data at any given moment. Aquarius is the space between in which information travels, it is the connectedness of all beings via a network of invisible cables. How information bounces from one person to the next can sometimes be a mystery but in general there is a belief in a conscious connection between all humans. A study done in 1991 by Monica England popularly known as The Crossword Puzzle Phenomenon showed that when a crossword puzzle had been solved, it was 5% easier to solve afterwards (1). This study suggests that when humans have successfully activated certain thought patterns, those ideas are available to all humans via the collective consciousness, like an information cloud storage. Like the glyph for Aquarius, the information assimilation through the collective acts as a wave, parallel to itself.
The image of the water bearer is not dependent on the theme of the water itself but the vessel in which the water is poured out of. It is the vessel that transports the information between realms to aid in the collective evolution of knowledge among all beings. Aquarius’s association with the element air becomes more obvious when we consider its assigned phrase, “I know”. Aquarius is associated with intelligence, keen understanding of extraterrestrial concepts and a wildly untimely aesthetic. Aquarius connects the dots between seemingly polar ideologies and because of their ability to understand symbolism and its meanings, are apt astrologers, mathematicians and artists. The intelligence of Aquarius is unparalleled but is sometimes the root to their ails. Leaning heavily towards the science of a thing or the logical way can detach the water bearer from the emotional aspects of understanding. This is where the water can be seen as separate from the vessel, desiring to control the emotional expression so much that it becomes trapped up inside. When the Aquarian identifies too much with the logical, form creating structures of reality over the fluidity of emotional intelligence, that is when we see the shadow of Aquarius as the anti-human, robotic, science worshiping alien that cannot possibly understand overreactive, foolish human emotions.
When we come into the time of the New moon Aquarius, we must consider where we have disregarded our emotions and other people’s emotions and put a label on them as irrational. New moons offer us the opportunity to make amends or start a new outlook on an old perception. Let the Aquarius moon energy open you up to new ways of understanding old ways of emotional connections. During this very practical time of cognitive objectivity, consider how far you have grown since the last new moon in Aquarius last year with regards to your own emotional intelligence.
Inflexibility is a standard adjective to use while describing a fixed sign, and so it comes up to be reviewed: where have you been unwilling to budge your position or views? Whether for right or wrong, rigidity exists, and it is a very noble expression when it comes to sticking up for any virtue. To flip the coin, we can also ask ourselves: Where can I be more fixed in my positions, where in my life do I need to be more rigid with boundaries regarding my values and altruistic stances?
The new moon in Aquarius at 23° falls on one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars, Deneb Algedi. The word Behenian comes from the Arabic word “bahman” meaning “root” (2). These specific degrees in the sky are said to have significant astrological power whenever any of the visible planets are within 6° orb of the star. The Behenian stars were used by the alchemists for ceremony, potion making and heightened magical properties. They would use these stars by opting to create their potions while certain planets were making opportune aspects to these fixed points in the sky. You’re probably familiar with some of the more popular ones like Arcturus, Sirius, Regulus and Spica, they give off a brilliant light and can be seen with the naked eye. Deneb Algedi is a fixed star located in the constellation Capricornus, it’s the star of pious dignity, conservatism, the wise leader, betrayal, loss of position and finding the joy inherent in sorrow (4). So, all in all, quite a somber star that doesn’t necessarily illicit fun and games. It has a serious tone and the image of the wise elder grandfather syncs with the images it conjures.
Because this new moon features a conjunction with this Behenian star, the energy surrounding the first half of the moon cycle can reflect that of Deneb Algedi. Setting intentions to have deeply impactful and meaningful relationships that aren’t surface level is promoted by this sobering Aquarius degree. Maintaining neutrality in conflict or debate with friends and those you love is supported with this moon and sun position. In the mundane world the political atmosphere responds to very mature and sophisticated expressions of concern. Emotional outbursts won’t be tolerated and can be labeled as insane. The stubbornness of this position is pretty excruciating and the inability to bend when frivolous emotions are detected can be a signature of the current Mercury position in Aquarius. However, the innovations, ingenuity and downright spooky intuitive hits make up for the rigidity of the Aquarius new moon.
Mercury stationed retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th, so we have about 20 more days left to endure the discombobulated headiness of this Mercurial influence. Mercury Rx in Aquarius gives an air of brilliant intelligence gone awry. It’s like the meme with Charlie Kelly from Its Always Sunny in front of a white board with complex long math problems looking disheveled at the camera. When you think you sound like a genius, but it comes out as gobbledygook and conspiratorial misinformation. Trying to explain a complex theory doesn’t always land well when Mercury is retrograde. This is the time to refine the language we use to explain complex ideas for later on when Mercury stations direct. Reformulate, restructure and reconsider the old intellectual framework around projects before launching them. Let the downloads flow through! Write down those ingenious ideas that might not make complete sense yet and trust that they don’t have to make sense right now until all of the right pieces fall into place.
Venus conjunct Jupiter
The two benevolent luminaries in the sky meet up together to shine their graciousness down on us. Venus the planet of equity, harmony and balance meets with Jupiter, the behemoth of a planet that expands whatever it touches. The two together welcomes abundance and generosity into the collective with much needed aid for many struggling factions of society. Jupiter is such a massive planet that it sometimes overshadows the other lights it transits so the light of Venus becomes a little dimmer, but the beauty is also amplified at the same time. Financial structures are changing wildly, and we can expect unexpected shifts in revenue streams, gig work and collective markets (stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, insurance, anything dealing with pools of collective wealth).
Mars square all the planets
Mars is creating a square with Jupiter, Venus, Mercury rx, the Moon and the Sun. This fixed square causes us to feel restricted, stuck and frustrated with not being able to make much change in our daily lives and routines. It can also create within us a desire for more stability if you are on the opposite spectrum depending on your own natal chart. Either way the general consensus is the feeling of stickiness. Mars in Taurus does not like to make much effort towards a change in environment so when it comes time to make some shifts in daily life it can feel like we have to tame the bull. Typically, Taurus and Aquarius will not actively change their routine unless there is an outside force that acts as a catalyst for the change. Of course, we try not to put ourselves in the position where the universe makes changes in our lives on our behalf because that means we are ignoring our responsibilities. All of the fixed signs know about this: Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. Being responsible, reliable and trustworthy are the positive aspects to these fixed signs and with the Mars square tensions, we are being asked to push harder towards these respectable traits.
New Moon Affirmations
Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity
I express love through wisdom
I am hopeful for the future
I welcome change into my life as a form of evolution
I am a part of a larger network of beings connected by an invisible force
- Evelyn Zuel, The Mystic Parlor
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2021 Astrological Planner.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.