Week Ahead Transits 18th - 24th September

Weekly Astro Forecast for September 18-24
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Virgo 25° 7’ - Libra 1° 57’
Moon = Scorpio > Aquarius
Happy Equinox!! This week the Sun ingresses into Libra initiating the time when night and day are in equilibrium. This means we have begun a whole new earth cycle season. Libra teaches us the art of social decorum, the importance of relationships, and how to find balance in our lives. The sign Libra sits at a point on the zodiacal wheel where we first enter into the realm of duality. The first 6 signs of the zodiac impart the wisdom of self-development and initiate us on the path to self-discovery. The remaining 6 signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces push us into the realm of our external selves. It is the journey of finding out who we are in the outer world. The Sun moves through the last decan of Virgo and at the end of the week enters the 1st decan of Libra which will be discussed more next week, but is associated with the card 2 of swords. We now are in the element of Air which strengthens our mental faculties and communication/negotiation skills.
Throughout the week the Sun will oppose Neptune and trine Pluto. These two major planets will reflect the Sun’s light in ways that produce a cloud of wonder at first, sending us into a state of confusion around self and identity, but as the Sun finds his way into harmony with Pluto, the truth of who we are at our core comes shining forth.
The Moon moves through the signs Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius this week, stationing us into the 3rd quadrant of the zodiac. We can use this week productively by not letting inconveniences throw us off of our center and being honest and open about how we are truly feeling, coming from a place of kindness and love. While the Moon is in Sagittarius, she meets with the first quarter square to the Sun. This mutable square brings up tensions around work, and our work ethic, and can leave us feeling the weight of all of the dutiful tasks that need to be taken care of.
Monday 18th
Today is a wonderful day to get into the murky weeds, cleaning out and organizing the dirty details in various aspects of our lives. It could show up with a work project or in the personal healing journey. There is a recognition of how to process unresolved issues in a way that is intellectual and pragmatic. The Moon moving through Scorpio can also bring up some latent emotions that require a new perspective and constructive feedback.
Moon trine Saturn rx, sextile Mercury.
Tuesday 19th
With the Sun moving into opposition with Neptune today we can find ourselves stuck in the duality dance between personal power and the idealized version of ourselves. We are being called to grow our spiritual understandings of self and individuation. The difference between a personal mission and the higher calling of what that mission is offers a space to put into question our motives and ambitions to remove any veils of illusion that cover the truest essence of who we are.
Moon opposite Jupiter rx, square Venus, opposite Uranus rx. Sun opposite Neptune rx.
Wednesday 20th
Stubborn tendencies expose themselves today, the need to be right or most importantly, not vulnerable to shame is a powerful influence over even the strongest-willed person. The Moon ingresses into Sagittarius today, we get all of the benefits of the Sagittarian energy of expanded hope and optimism with a healthy dash of Saturnian cynicism. We can feel the restrictions that Saturn places on the Moon by having to be more mindful of our behaviors and opinions.
Moon trine Neptune rx, sextile Sun, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius at 7:05 am, square Saturn rx. Sun trine Pluto rx.
Thursday 21st
A grand fire trine between the Moon, Venus, and Chiron forms today opening up a portal for deep and profound connections both in plutonic and romantic relationships. You might get swept up in the bliss! Grand expressions of devotion, love, and gratitude are available. A heart-opening opportunity. Ride the waves of inspired action and let the cosmic influences open you to new possibilities.
Moon square Mercury, sextile Mars, trine Venus, trine Chiron rx.
Friday 22nd
Today is the equinox! Happy Libra season all. Today is about harmony and balance. This can be a tense day where we feel the need to be alone or feel the pressures of the people and environment we’re in. The Moon square Neptune opens the psychic faculties and can allow a flood of extra sensory junk to flow into our nervous system. People may be feeling sensitive or testy and can blow things out of proportion based on those sensitivities.
Moon trine NN, square Neptune rx, square Sun, Moon > Capricorn at 1:20 pm, sextile Saturn rx. Sun > Libra at 11:49 pm.
Saturday 23rd
A grand earth trine between Mercury, the Moon, and Jupiter is showering us with all of the wisdom and information we could ever need! If you have been asking for and looking for answers, guidance, advice, and words of wisdom, today is it. The universe is bestowing strong messages that we can internalize and formulate into new beliefs that will aid us on our way through navigating the material world. Venus trine Chiron today is opening the door to deep empathy and care. We may get to experience a beautiful expression of generosity that plants seeds of hope in humanity.
Moon trine Mercury, trine Jupiter rx, square Mars, square Chiron rx. Venus trine Chiron rx.
Sunday 24th
It can feel like we are never trying enough today. Note that it can be a matter of perception however with Mars making an opposition to Chiron. Perhaps what we really need to do is adjust where our energy is going or balance the amount of energy that is going out rather than seeing it as black and white all or nothing. The sudden urge to drop the problem to the curb just to be done with it runs high but try to see where you can adjust where you are putting your energy first before throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Moon trine Uranus rx, square NN, sextile Neptune rx, conjunct Pluto, Moon > Aquarius at 4:29 pm, trine Sun. Mars opposite Chiron rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde