Week Ahead Transits 26th June - 2nd July

Weekly Astro Forecast for June 26 - July 2
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Cancer 4° 27’ - Cancer 11° 7’
Moon = Libra > Capricorn
This week the Sun makes its way through the first decan of Cancer, highlighting the way we connect with others, share ourselves, and collaborate. The week starts us out with a first quarter moon, triggering strong urges to fix the parts of our relationship that feel out of balance. Situations may come up where you notice that things aren’t totally fair, this is the universe offering the opportunity to teach people how they can be better partners by not sweeping hurt or uneasy feelings under the rug. The energies are ripe for proactively finding solutions in our relationships so that everyone involved is getting their needs met equally.
Harmonizing and balancing are the keywords that influence the rest of the week. The Moon travels through the signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, the 3rd quadrant of the zodiac. These signs in general show us how we integrate our outer worlds with our inner worlds through relationships, sharing, and information from others to evolve the ego. Notice how you integrate what other people are offering, does it get met with resistance or with eagerness?
Neptune stations retrograde this week at 27° 41’ Pisces and stations direct on December 6th. That gives us a whole 5 months of psychic development! When Neptune turns retrograde, we are tuning in more acutely to the subtle energies that surround us at all times, the etheric and auric fields feel much louder and it is easier to connect with the subconscious realms. For those of you who feel that you already have a strong connection to these invisible forces, you may find that it actually tends to be a bit more difficult to tap into while everyone else experiences ultra-heightened senses. That’s because Neptune has a tendency to create a fog around our third eye during the retrograde period for those who are more sensitive to begin with, which may actually be a welcomed reprieve!
Another important transit for the week is Mars square Uranus on the 26th. This aspect between the two strong forces of chaos feed off of each other and create spontaneous bursts of energy in areas where it is least expected. This is a day where we need to take extra caution while out and about since we will all be under this pressure cooker energy – those who have explosive tempers may be triggered easily. Mercury enters Cancer on the same day so sensitivities are heightened and there may be a lot of room for conflict. In other ways, this can be a really helpful energy to tap into for those who would like to connect more strongly with their Mars energy through initiating a new workout routine or starting a new hobby.
Monday 26th
This is a testy day for sure, with the Sun and Moon square, Mercury entering Cancer, and Mars and Uranus in a square position. Many people under the influence of the cosmos may find it difficult to manage their temper and control their emotions and words. Mercury in Cancer is a poetic and beautiful communicator but can also take things very personally and can become easily offended by mere facts and information. If you have an issue that you are trying to work through with someone, remember that they may not be able to take the info without feeling personally attacked. Waiting until the next day to talk about sensitive topics may be more productive.
Moon square Sun. Mars square Uranus. Mercury > Cancer.
Moon square Sun. Mars square Uranus. Mercury > Cancer.
Tuesday 27th
The process of reevaluation happens while Mercury is trine the South Node. Thinking about the past and following the steps to how life came to be is a strong process for the day. You may find yourself falling into nostalgia bliss with fondness, sweetly rekindling the old parts of yourself. The integration of the old version of who we are and the new is a great way to pass the time. We are feeling much more sensitive to others’ needs and empathetic than we were yesterday.
Moon sextile Venus, opposite Chiron. Mercury sextile NN.
Moon sextile Venus, opposite Chiron. Mercury sextile NN.
Wednesday 28th
A big healing and creative energy sweeps through us today. You may be feeling optimistic, competent, creative and emotionally intuitive. Tap into the energetic field for strong healing work! Therapeutic sessions show big breakthroughs so take this time to dig into the psyche in any way that is fitting for you. Intuition is heightened as well and it seems easy for us to tap into the information that we need to make beneficial changes in our lives. Trust what comes through today as it will be very impactful in ways that may not be totally obvious.
Moon square Pluto, Moon > Scorpio at 1:55 am, opposite NN, trine Mercury, trine Sun, trine Saturn rx, opposite Jupiter. Sun trine Saturn rx.
Moon square Pluto, Moon > Scorpio at 1:55 am, opposite NN, trine Mercury, trine Sun, trine Saturn rx, opposite Jupiter. Sun trine Saturn rx.
Thursday 29th
Our heartstrings are being tugged on today and we may find it difficult to stomach stories or circumstances where good people have to go through bad things. The desire to help and become involved drives some of us to volunteer our resources to those in need whether it be time, money or wisdom. We all have value and we all have something to give even if it is a small gesture, any small token of sympathy can make a world of difference in another person’s life. Keep your ears wide open today as valuable information finds its way to us.
Moon square Venus, opposite Uranus, square Mars. Venus trine Chiron. Mercury trine Saturn rx.
Moon square Venus, opposite Uranus, square Mars. Venus trine Chiron. Mercury trine Saturn rx.
Friday 30th
Feeling a bit fiery today with the Moon entering Sagittarius, we may find ourselves wrapped up in political banter, or deep in conversation about world events or religion. Neptune stations retrograde today and depending on your relationship to your psychic sense, can either go through a massive upgrade or leave you feeling less connected to your intuitive side. Dreams become ever-present and for the next 5 months can leave us at times wondering if we are in fact living in reality or a dream world.
Moon trine Neptune, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius at 7:59 am, square Saturn rx. Neptune stations retrograde at 27° 41’ Pisces. Mercury conjunct the Sun.
Moon trine Neptune, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius at 7:59 am, square Saturn rx. Neptune stations retrograde at 27° 41’ Pisces. Mercury conjunct the Sun.
Saturday 1st
Today we need something that leaves us feeling more alive, pumping up the adrenaline a bit with an adventure or exciting new experience is what is on the docket. Explore new and uncharted areas of either your neighbourhood/town or a completely new land. The best way to grow is through exposing ourselves to completely foreign experiences which oftentimes happens through travel. The desire to learn and know is strong. The brain is wide open for new information to come through.
Moon trine Chiron, trine Venus. Mercury sextile Jupiter. Sun sextile Jupiter.
Moon trine Chiron, trine Venus. Mercury sextile Jupiter. Sun sextile Jupiter.
Sunday 2nd
We don’t really have a lot of patience for frivolousness and things that waste our time. We’re impatient for results and don’t want to have to wait for other people’s incompetence. Feeling a bit rigid today as the Moon enters Capricorn and Venus squares Uranus, it’s harder to want to connect with others and we may find it best to take time alone to self-reflect. The collective energy is tapping us out today and we can only really be around people who 100% get us or fit into our mould.
Moon trine Mars, square Neptune rx, voc from 6:34 am - 10:19 am, Moon > Capricorn at 10:20 am, trine NN, sextile Saturn rx. Venus square Uranus.
Moon trine Mars, square Neptune rx, voc from 6:34 am - 10:19 am, Moon > Capricorn at 10:20 am, trine NN, sextile Saturn rx. Venus square Uranus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel