Week Ahead Transits 23 - 29 September

Week ahead transits 23 - 29 September
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Libra 0° 44’- Libra 7° 36’
Moon = Libra 0° 44’ – Libra 7° 36’
The socially aware Libra, which practices political correctness, etiquette and harmony with others gets shaken out of its people pleasing slumber. Each person carries with them multiple lineages; biological, spiritual, ancestral and cultural, that are hard to ignore. In a constantly evolving world of complicated human dynamics, how does one stay true to their lineages while also choosing to grow with the collective? The last quarter Moon in Cancer right before the New Moon Eclipse this week highlights the cardinal signs and initiates new dynamics within interpersonal relationships. An inner identity must be strong enough to counter balance social pressures, that is what makes us strong in our individual self-expression and dissuades cultural homogeny. We are not all the same, we all have different stories, backgrounds, histories, political ties for varying reasons and those differences have been used as bait to stoke fear of the ‘other’. The more we embrace our differences, the more we can free ourselves from the shame of conformity. This quarter moon in Cancer helps us to connect with our lineage, it reminds us of who we are outside of the mass media discourse and helps to push our comfort levels by highlighting where we have adhered to the popular opinion to the detriment of our ancestors.
Mercury enters Libra on the 26th/27th just after opposing Neptune, the fog clears up and clarity runs through the networks again. The mind is geared towards fairness in our interactions, down to even the minor details. Are they reciprocating what was said? Do they respond in a timely manner? Have they also been inviting you out just as much as you have them? The balancing act that Libra is constantly swaying between can have maddening consequences, but can be seen as a friendship evaluation opportunity. Putting all the ‘ships into perspective and weighing out the pros and cons is an equitable way to objectively observe where people place us in their lives. Mercury also makes a connection with Uranus and Pluto before ingressing into Libra, forcing personal revelations in how we present ourselves thus identifying the types of interactions we are attracting.
Mars trines Saturn at the end of the week, facilitating a cosmic sense of being in the right place at just the right time. Efforts towards cultivating more peace, calm, and quiet show promising results when the whole community can benefit. Saturn and Mars work in tandem with one another, forcing space for growth. There is a positive outcome with setting firm boundaries this week with others, the message may come out reactive at first but the importance is placed on the experience rather than the outcome.
Monday 23rd
Implementing social boundaries for the purpose of protecting one’s mental health is sometimes hard to communicate in the moment, but with the Moon in Gemini the words flow easily. The mind is awake, putting together the pieces of the puzzle to gain a greater clarity of the full picture. There is reserve and pragmatic approach to how we communicate to friends and co-workers. On another end of the spectrum, there is potential for mental overwhelm and overload, having to assert one’s needs in order to think clearly is also on the radar.
Moon square Saturn rx, conjunct Jupiter, sextile Chiron rx.
Tuesday 24th
The Moon enters Cancer and initiates the last quarter square to the Sun. Today may bring up some raw emotions which come from a tender place within the heart. This is one of the more emotionally charged days this week but it is for the sake of shaking up the mind and opening new neuropathways of understanding. It is important to learn to balance our own emotional needs with that of others, to know when it is appropriate to let something go and when to hold onto any upsets within our personal relationships.
Moon square Mercury, square Neptune rx, Moon > Cancer at 8:50 am, trine Venus, square Sun, square NN, Mercury trine Uranus rx.
Wednesday 25th
This is a potently revelatory day with loads of deep awarenesses making their way to the surface of the consciousness. We may be instinctually reacting without thinking – which could actually be a positive, especially for those who have the tendency to overthink rather than take action. When the gut instincts kick in, sometimes it’s impossible to ignore and that is the exact type of energy that is needed to be explored. Mercury opposes Neptune and trines Pluto offering a powerful surge of intellectual might. Use this day to blast through mental or creative blocks.
Moon conjunct Mars, trine Saturn rx, Mercury opposite Neptune rx, trine Pluto rx.
Thursday 26th
Topics that the quarter Moon in Cancer come back up for a healing process to unfold. Past issues with a mother figure/females comes up to the fore for reintegration. Mercury enters Libra, emphasizing the need for friendships that are mentally stimulating and reflect one’s own interests leads to some important self-discoveries as Mercury continues its journey through the social air sign. Curiosity beckons.
Moon square Chiron rx, sextile Uranus rx, trine Neptune rx, opposite Pluto rx, Moon > Leo at 3:47 pm, sextile Mercury, Mercury > Libra at 1:08 am.
Friday 27th
This is a 7 of Cups sort of day where we may be pulled between what the reality of
criticism against how feminine sexuality is represented comes up for review today as the Moon in Leo squares Venus. Personal judgments and criticism of the feminine can be explored by questioning the historical representation of the female form. Venus is in Scorpio, prompting our attention to the elicit sexual desires and prowess within us all. The Moon in Leo leads our attention to how we ourselves express our sexuality and whether it is in alignment with how we truly feel inside.
Moon sextile Sun, square Venus.
Saturday 28th
A generally pleasant, low key day with the only exception of the Moon making a square to Uranus. When the Moon and Uranus make contact, there is a general discomfort that arises. This discomfort is a message that something within needs a slight adjustment and this could be in regards to how we relate to others creatively. Seeking inspiration and outside sources of stimulus helps to expand the way we relate to the ego. If you notice a firm rejection of something that once offered confidence, run with it and see how you can use that evolve.
Moon sextile Jupiter, trine Chiron rx, square Uranus rx.
Sunday 29th
The past is coming in strong and that can be in the form of an old flame, coworkers, or friendship. Mercury is opening up a discussion that was once thought to be buried and Mars is helping to show how previous actions have resulted in where you are today. We may be going down memory lane, taking the old box of mementos, pondering how things could have been or what the steps were that lead to now. The coming New Moon eclipse in Libra next week will solidify these experiences for the sake of building on top of what has already been started.
Moon > Virgo at 2:41 am, sextile Venus, Sun opposite NN, Mercury opposite NN, Mars trine Saturn rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel