Week Ahead Transits: 5 - 11 August

Week ahead transits 5 - 11 August
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Leo 13°21’ – Leo 20°4’
Moon = Leo – Scorpio
In between Moons.
This week we transition from the Leo Moon to Virgo, Libra then Scorpio without even a quarter moon to write home about. Mid-week, the Sun sextiles Jupiter and Venus conjuncts Mercury retrograde in Virgo. The solar life force pairs well with the God of the Gods Jupiter as they both have a similar ambition, to grow, be and simply exist free of restrictions. Abundance and luck come in the form of perfect timing, knowing just the right person or just happening to fall upon the information that you need for something important. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini are creating a lot of hot air which in turn blows up a bubble that inevitably bursts at some point or another but in the meantime, we can learn how to adapt and evolve with the times that we’re in for the sake of maintaining mental dexterity. The Sun finishes off its journey through the second decan of Leo, which presents to us themes to explore regarding how confidence and pride are expressed. Do you express your gratitude with great gusto or a simple nod of the head?
Venus conjunct Mercury will certainly have us critiquing and analyzing all of the details about it the way we share our talents and gifts. Venus meets with Mercury retrograde in the sign Virgo at 3°44’. This is a wildly creative, exploratory and productive aspect especially with the influence Virgo’s accuracy in judgement. The one caveat is Mercury’s direction which appears as if it is moving backwards in the sky, its retrograde motion can mince and mix up the words in our minds before we get a chance to filter out the errors. Though the glory of the Sun is shining through the proud lion, keep in mind that being a sore winner tastes just as sour as drinking orange juice right after brushing your teeth. All of the details may not be made readily aware, while Mercury pushes our patience with customer service, but what is remembered is how we felt and that is the main take away from the week.
Monday 5th
The Moon turns void of course for six hours after hitting a hard aspect to Uranus leaving the Moon under Uranian influences until it ingresses into Virgo mid-day. Fitting in and flying below the radar won’t leave much of an impact when trying to stand out, appreciate what makes you different and use utilize your unique traits to boost your projects. This can be a good day to detail how a specific societal expectation will no longer stand in your way from sharing your gifts.
Moon trine Chiron rx, square Uranus, voc* from 8:17 am – 2:15 pm, Moon > Virgo at 2:16 PM, conjunct Venus, conjunct Mercury rx.
Tuesday 6th
The energy is palpable with the Moon making known the loud and proud energy of Mars and Jupiter. There can be an overwhelm of information that comes at us with all the lists, to-dos and instructions it can feel like we need a list for each hour of the day. The Moon in Virgo is a master organizer, so long as there is a continued reminder that Rome did not fall in a day.
Moon square Mars, square Jupiter.
Wednesday 7th
It is a beautifully bizarre day where timelines converge and worlds collide. There is a dynamic shift in mood throughout the day that flip flops with unpredictability, activating a creative vortex for happenstance and synchronicity. The winds bring with them messages, insights and visions. Moon in opposition to Saturn which is retrograde, pushes a choice on us to either allow an endless critique continue, or allow the larger vision speak for itself.
Moon opposite Saturn rx, trine Uranus, Sun sextile Jupiter, Venus conjunct Mercury rx.
Thursday 8th
Visionary playtime continues as the Moon in Libra moves through her grand air/earth trine with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius; seeing the practical and steadfast approach while being able to map the timeline and activate the plan accordingly. What also becomes more clear is the past, the Moon meets with Ketu, the south node in Libra, pouring forth the tea of enlightenment of all relationships former.
Moon opposite Neptune rx, Moon > Libra at 2:31 am, trine Pluto rx, opposite NN.
Friday 9th
Social hour goes the whole day with the Moon in Libra opening up a portal of information with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. A natural flow and harmony within our relationships and interactions glides opportunities for lively debate, banter, humor and play. The Moon is void of course for about 25 hours after her serendipitous interaction with the masculine planets Mars, Jupiter and the Sun. The moon leaves a chamber of memories, allowing to recall the greatness of leaders, warriors and influential people that came before.
Moon trine Mars, trine Jupiter, sextile Sun, Moon voc for 24h48m from 2:25 pm – 3:32 pm the following day.
Saturday 10th
We’re feeling a bit green expressing our emotional needs today but can sense that there is a real benefit in doing so. We may be overly concerned of how it will come across to others – if it will sound rude or out of order. On the flip side, some of us may be seeing an opportunity to share exactly what it is that we are feeling but when sharing, it comes out in a rather cold and distant way. The Moon enters Scorpio then makes a sharp square to Pluto intensifying what it is that we are feeling. This is a good time to write down the awarenesses as they surface to reflect on later and make adjustments to tone another time.
Moon opposite Chiron rx, Moon > Scorpio at 3:33 pm, square Pluto rx, sextile Mercury rx.
Sunday 11th
We come to terms with some of the ways that we value and categorize the relationships that we have in our lives. Some relationships come with more instructions than others, which is quite alright but the ultimate question remains; when are you over accommodating to the detriment of your own needs. How much are we meant to sacrifice parts of our own comfort for the sake of another? That is certainly a personal question that will not be a one-size-fits-all scenario, today we get to witness first-hand what makes a relationship worth putting in the extra time and effort.
Moon sextile Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel