Week Ahead Transits: 20 - 26 May

Week ahead transits 13 - 19 May
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Sun = 29° 45’ Taurus – 6° 29’ Gemini
Moon = Libra - Capricorn
The first decan of Gemini is associated with the 8 of Swords. The 8, 9 and 10 of Swords are some of the more dramatic looking cards of the minor arcana in the tarot and that is due to the nature of the swords suit which is connected to the mind. The mind plays many tricks and through Gemini, we get to know intimately just how conniving and cunning the mind can be in curating our perceived reality. This week we travel through the 8 of Swords which will illuminate for us where we have a tendency to get ourselves stuck mentally.
Monday 20th
Let’s go down the rabbit hole and see where we end up, today is the first day of Gemini season, one of the most chaotic-fun seasons of the year. The Moon enters Scorpio today as well and that’s what makes us want to investigate nonstop every new idea, theory, concept, factoid that comes within ear shot. Soak up all the tea! There is going to be a lot of chatter going around while we are deep diving into figuring out the truth.
Tuesday 21st
A strong urge to reveal information or let some internal dialogue go rogue, the Moon in Scorpio is opposite Mercury which invigorates the mind in its never ending quest to know. There is an insatiable desire for more information, that leads to understanding and empathy. While the Moon is in opposition to Mercury, it is a great time to evaluate what you know vs what you think you know and understand the difference between the two.
Wednesday 22nd
A big opportunity to grow and expand beyond any limitations shows itself through the Sun’s aspect with Pluto. The Sun – which is the egoic self, the creative expression of the soul, makes a trine to Pluto which elicits a mini rebirth through the acts of personal experimentation. There is something that wants to be let go of and settled into the past, what will it be?
Thursday 23rd
Friday 24th
Today we come down from the action packed day of the Full Moon, and meet with our responsibilities head on. Moon square Saturn forces us to admit where we are feeling limited/met with limiting forces that are necessary for us to develop our resilience. This is a great day to learn and understand what it is that Saturn is trying to teach through the external blocks that might come our way today.
Saturday 25th
Jupiter enters Gemini! The mightiest and brightest of the planets moves into Gemini, highlighting the divine mind and all of its quarks, traits and misconceptions. The desire to connect, explore and chat it up with everyone around will be the basic MO for the next year! The Moon square Neptune is like an uncomfortable dream that repeats itself and makes you think that you are still dreaming when in reality you woke up hours ago. Venus trine Pluto will make any craving and desire go deep which is impossible to ignore. Deep love/romance energy today.
Sunday 26th
This is one of those days where anger and aggression are energies best used when being directed against mismanagement of power and authority. Moon in Capricorn square Mars in Aries pushes the will of the individual up against the emotional security of the authority/boss/manager/one in charge. The passion that arises is not to be ignored! Use this energy wisely and put it to something productive which can elicit change within your community.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel