Sun enters Taurus

Sun enters Taurus
20th PDT 1:14 / 20th AEST 18:14
The sun enters deliberate, methodical Taurus today, encouraging us to slow our pace. The shift in energetic tenor would ordinarily present a welcome respite from the hustle of Aries season, where impulse dictates action. However, today’s ingress only pushes us further into the throes of eclipse energies. Indeed, the sun is well on its way to conjoining the lunar North Node, compelling us to embrace change, an entity which fixed, earth-sign Taurus is not exactly famous for greeting with enthusiasm.
As the sun plods its way through the sign of the bull, it must navigate a square to transformational Pluto, stimulating power struggles, before making its annual link-up with provocative Uranus, unleashing our inner rebel. There’s a bit of a one-two punch to the ego here. A Scylla and Charybdis to check our confidence. Plus, Mercury retrograde is nigh. And we mentioned the eclipses. Not the smoothest sailing.
Typically, while the sun is in Taurus, we’re inclined to stop and smell the roses. We have time to nurture the projects and relationships initiated during Aries season. We find our rhythm, putting more of a premium on sensory experience in an effort to ground down, sustain our physical vessels, and cultivate greater embodiment.
But that may not be what happens THIS season. Yes, Taurus is a sensual sign, and the sun’s transit here piques sensual urges. But this is not your bull napping in a field of flowers, rousing periodically to leisurely graze. This is the bull in the china shop. The bull eyeing the matador’s flag. This bull has been disturbed, and its pent-up aggression must be released somewhere.
What we are called to discover the coming month is HOW to release this energy effectively. Yet, the process may still be a messy one. Catharsis tends to be. At this time, strive to see conflict for its potential. There are lessons within moments of tension. The choices we make (or the choices we allow others to make FOR us) can cause us to see red, or they can orient us to peace. Before we can liberate ourselves, we must realize all the ways that we have accepted captivity, especially a captivity of our own making. When we discover what we have settled for for the illusion of security, not its legitimate acquisition, it can get emotional! The Taurus sun reminds us that it is okay to feel all of our feelings viscerally, within our bodies. Passion, anger, sadness, frustration. This is how we know we’re alive. It is in the experience of these states, not the suppression of them, that we return to that scene of pastoral presence that the bull so wants us to enjoy. To joy, tranquility, and pleasure. But first, comes the charge.
Written by Nyssa Grazda