Saturn enters Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces
7th PST 5:35 / 8th AEDT 00:35
In the Greek myth of Orpheus, the titular character journeys to the underworld to bring his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead. Hades, moved by Orpheus’ plight, allowed the pair to return to the land of the living, on one condition: they must not look back until they had reached the upper world. The two were nearly free, yet with the sun on his face, just as they were set to cross the threshold, Orpheus turned to glimpse Eurydice, and she vanished.
Given that the two were mere moments away from a second chance at love and life, why did Orpheus turn back? Over the next few years, as Saturn makes its passage through Pisces, we may find the message behind this myth to be increasingly relevant.
Saturn is in domicile in Capricorn and Aquarius, signs which the greater malefic has been transiting since December 2017. Yet as the past five years of especially unprecedented times have shown, “domicile” does not always denote smooth-sailing. Saturn’s movements illustrate how we leverage control to assert our authority. In many ways, having to relinquish some measure of control (real or imaginary), particularly since Saturn’s alignment with Pluto in early 2020, has mentally and emotionally readied us for Saturn’s ingress into Pisces, a sign all about release. Saturn will transit Pisces until May 24, 2025, and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026.
Saturn is a planet of restriction, but restriction does not always have to feel debilitating. Strong boundaries are required to fortify safe relationship dynamics. Supportive architecture is necessary to build lasting edifices, legacies, and institutions. Children require structure to learn and grow, and in many ways, we are all children, no matter our age or life experience. Saturn’s domain is materiality itself. Yet Pisces is all about possibility. It is between worlds. So, how can we build atop thin air? How can we derive form from the formless? How do we define limits in limitless space?
Here is where the two converge: Saturn is a planet of commitment, and commitment requires trust. Pisces is a sign of conviction, and conviction requires trust. In the coming years, as Saturn navigates Pisces, it is as if we are crossing a bridge through a fog. We cannot see the beginning of the bridge (the past), and we can’t see it’s end (the future). But we trust the bridge itself. The bridge is solid. The bridge is real. It will support our weight as we make our crossing. And because there is so little to reference in this liminal landscape, we are also forced to trust ourselves.
We have no choice but to believe in our capabilities, our motivations, and the significance of our mission. On the bridge in the fog, advice of the “experts” goes out the window. The opinions of media talking heads, spiritual gurus, or thought leaders lose their relevance. A higher power becomes our authority, and that higher power imbues us with trust in the here and now.
Saturn in Pisces compels us to define boundaries and establish limits in the face of illusion. It inspires us to eschew escapism for embodiment. It demonstrates how we can commit to our path even amidst self-doubt. It reveals the necessity of having faith in the authority of the universe even if we can’t make immediate heads or tails of its logic. We become the manifest within the unmanifest. When we trust ourselves above all else, there is no temptation to look back. Food for thought in months ahead: how much regret could be avoided if we elected to live our lives with perfect love and perfect trust? What could our reality look like if we pledge to cross the threshold with eyes cast forward?
Written by Nyssa Grazda