Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury stations Retrograde
29th PST 1:31 / AEDT 20:31
Messenger-planet Mercury stations retrograde today, its final retrograde of the year, and one which will energetically ferry us into the year to come. Immediately following Mercury’s station, it aligns with Venus on the 24th degree of Capricorn, corresponding to the Sabian symbol of “a woman entering a convent”.
The conjunction between these two personal planets adds extra dimension to our retrograde story. It directs our attention to our relationships and stresses a reevaluation of our conduct within them. The more we pay attention to who we surround ourselves with – and why – during this transit, the more takeaways we will be able to glean from Mercury’s backspin.
Naturally, Mercury Rx portends communication difficulties, and in Capricorn terrain we could be revisiting business or career objectives. For some, the final days of the calendar year already function as a period of contemplation or hibernation. A certain degree of withdrawal from secular life is necessary to delineate resolutions or to consult guides for assistance with manifestation practices. With Mercury retrograde in Capricorn we are encouraged to go inwards and adopt a stoic and reverent approach to goal-pursuit. Capricorn is a sign which lords over time, and many astrological indicators are presently giving us the okay to slow down before we formulate our intentions for 2023.
However, add Venus to the mix and the story becomes less about legacy and more about honesty. Mercury is set to walk back over the degrees it transited during the holiday season, so family ties, romantic commitments, and even spiritual convictions, are now up for review. Promises may have been made under the rosy glow of light displays, while we were gripped by nostalgia, or pining for tradition, that were, perhaps, premature. Mercury in Capricorn favors loyalty and considers its word its bond, yet throughout its retrograde we might be forced to back out of obligations which we had every intention of keeping when the deal was struck. In this case, guilt or embarrassment may enter the chat, but there is truly no reason for remorse if we act with integrity and strive to be forthright with others to the best of our ability. Our homework is to weigh the pros and cons: do we stick with something out of principle even if our heart is not in it? Or do we speak our truth and own the consequences with some measure of regret, but a clear conscience?
The image of “a woman entering a convent” suggests a solitary process of reckoning our most fervent aspirations and desires. The pledges or vows we are considering taking or making in the new year merit a reassessment. At its core, this retrograde is about determining who and what we wish to devote ourselves to – or at the very least, ascertaining who and what we can NOT devote ourselves to. Decision-making should be delayed until after Mercury stations direct on January 18/19, but use this occasion to get clarity, not only for your own sake, but for the sake of those in your orbit as well.
Written by Nyssa Grazda