Mercury Enters Scorpio

Mercury Enters Scorpio
13th PST 12:24 / 14th AEDT 6:24
Mercury enters Scorpio, where it will transit just shy of three weeks. The messenger planet moves relatively unchallenged in the coming days. Only a lone opposition to Uranus towards month’s end is primed to compound verbal volatility and nervous tension. Other than that, we mostly have to deal with Mercury being itself – which, in the sign of the backbiter, is organically volatile.
This is a transit of 'telling it like it is', and there’s good medicine in that. Mercury in Scorpio holds space for complexity. It allows us to broach dark or unsavory topics without sugarcoating the obvious. What the world *doesn’t* need now is more spin, and Mercury in Scorpio is just what the doctor ordered, even if the truth of a matter stings on its way down the gullet. We MUST have the tough conversations if we expect to get anywhere. We MUST exhume whatever has been hidden or covered up (probably very poorly), and deal with it.
Yet the point is not to become consumed by the darkness, to capitulate to catastrophizing or indulge in the doomscroll. The point is that there can be no anabasis without katabasis. 'The only way out is through' is an adage that applies here. For that, we must get real, with others and with ourselves. Witness. Speak on it.
Speaking is key, because while Mercury in Scorpio inclines us to research and analysis, it can also incline us to keep what we’ve discovered to ourselves unless we’re pushed into a dialogue. We can be convincing under this influence, but we can also be in our heads A LOT. So, at this time, avoid weaponizing silence by withholding crucial intel or icing someone out of a discussion. Knowledge is power. The magic of this transit lies in democratizing access to that power.
Written by Nyssa Grazda