PLANNER – The only Astrological Planner in the world that is available in three timezones.
The planner with the correct timezone will be sent based on your location and the shipping address that you checkout with.
PST/PDT (GMT-8) is suitable for USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Argentina
AEST/AEDT (GMT+10) is suitable for Australia, NZ, Asia: China, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand etc.
CET/CEST (GMT+2) is suitable for UK, Europe, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, India etc.
For general planning purposes, the exact time of day of a planetary aspect isn’t always important, but all exact times of the new + full moons, eclipses, aspects, ingresses, void moons and more are included. A handy conversion guide is included to convert times to your timezone if outside the above.
DIGITAL CALENDAR – Once you download and integrate your astrological digital calendar into your preferred calendar, it will convert to your timezone and adjust automatically if traveling, providing accurate data on current astrological transits, anywhere in the world.